6 Reasons to Partner with Cylient

When you’re thinking about instilling a coaching culture, we’re here to help. Learn more about Cylient and what we will do with our partnership with these six reasons to partner with us.

1. Our Untying the Knot approach to coaching is simple, memorable and robust.

Our approach is adaptive, and we invite participants to explore how they will use “in the moment” coaching and feedback approaches in their lives.

2. Our workshops are fun, engaging and PowerPoint-free!

These highly-engaging learning experiences are fun—the day flies by! Participants leave the workshop ready to have conversations they were previously avoiding.

3. Our Coaching in the Moment and Feedback in the Moment are available through video-based digital learning.

Use our video-based digital learning as blended learning with our Application Sessions, or use it to implement “in the moment” coaching and feedback globally in your organization.

4. The Cylient System is comprehensive.

A one-day training course is not sufficient to make coaching a way of life. We have a robust system to hold people in the learning and establish coaching as the foundation of their culture.

5. Our approach establishes a shared language.

Our Untying the Knot approach to coaching and feedback becomes a universal language in your organization, creating ways to work through issues together. It can be used to facilitate conversations—it shifts the conversations from arguing about who’s right and who’s wrong to collectively looking at knots that are getting in the way of moving forward.

6. We take a coaching approach to working with you.

Establishing coaching cultures is our sole focus, and we take a coaching approach to this partnership. We share insights and improvements with our clients, so they stay up-to-date with the most valuable information.

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