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5 Features in the Best Online Learning Platforms for CME

5 Features in the Best Online Learning Platforms for CME

The best online learning platforms should fully support your CME program. How can they do this? First, they should include common “must-have” features. Some of these are invisible to instructors and learners, but not to you as a CME administrator or program director. Other features are probably not as critical to your daily needs but are “must haves” for learners and instructors. We’ve come up with a list of five features that the best online learning platforms for continuing medical education should include.

#1: Self-Service Tools for Learners

Learners should be able to navigate smoothly through their courses and access certificates as needed. EthosCE has a “bulletproof” course workflow, as well as an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for instructors. According to a 2018 review of hundreds of studies of online medical education delivery, medical learners still face barriers to effective online learning, despite increasing exposure to technology. EthosCE’s design makes this barrier easy to overcome or eliminates it. After course completion, self-service certificates will also save valuable administrative time.

#2: Flexibility and Being Easy to Innovate

ACCME’s Criterion 35 asks CME programs to be “innovative,” but there aren’t many specifics. For example, implementing new course formats can qualify as innovation, as well as adding new elements like videos or social media content to existing courses.

However, it’s difficult for instructors to innovate if they’re spending most of their time on routine or repetitive tasks. The best online learning platforms are easy to use, allowing educators to design and innovate their courses.

EthosCE has been designed with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that gives educators time to create course content and elements and generate courses that satisfy the innovation requested in ACCME’s Criterion 35. EthosCE’s course creation wizard helps even occasional users quickly create courses that include innovation. For more experienced instructors and course creators, Expert mode supports customization and automation.

#3: Excellent Analytics and Reporting

You can’t build your CME program into the future if you don’t know where it has been in the past and if you lack a clear picture of your program’s current status. EthosCE’s analytics support data visualization that gives you insight into how your program is working on a course or program level.

EthosCE offers strong analytics and reports through an easy-to-use dashboard. Educators can use course-based analytics to drill down into learner participation and performance, and administrators can use course or program-wide reporting to measure key performance indicators (KPIs). It’s hard to know what steps you can take to grow your program or build upon success if you haven’t defined what success is. With EthosCE, you can visualize your program’s current status and guide it toward future success.

#4: Automated Administration

Automated learner management is a must-have for CME program administrators. From secure single-sign-on to importing learners and records, as well as automated certificates, EthosCE supports a streamlined automated program and course administration. Automated attendance tracking of RSS/Grand Rounds and support for multiple credit types is also essential, and EthosCE offers robust support for these crucial CME functions.

#5: Connection and Engagement

Learning is social, whether delivered in person, online, or on the go. EthosCE is designed to support in-person and online CME learning while it keeps learners connected and engaged.

A major “must have” for the best online learning platforms is support for mobile devices, including iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. This factor may not seem as crucial to program success—until you’ve experienced learners struggling with completing programs on a platform that isn’t compatible with their phone or tablet.

EthosCE is compatible with mobile devices and supports user-friendly websites, organizational branding, and web-based reporting. It also makes it easy for learners to enroll in courses and build their own curriculum. You can offer discounts and coupons and provide subscription options through EthosCE’s e-commerce capabilities. You can also provide “next steps” and post-enrollment options to keep your learners engaged following course completion.

EthosCE Excels in Must-Have CME Course Features

Like any other tool, the best online learning platforms need to support program success from a learner, educator, and administrator perspective. EthosCE has a well-designed interface that guides learners through course content, as well as provides automated certificates of completion. Educators benefit from course creation wizards and tools for power users. EthosCE also makes it easy for educators to innovate, supporting ACCME’s Criterion 35. Automated functions and reporting support your role as an administrator, giving you the tools you need to operate your program smoothly and efficiently. EthosCE has all the features and “must-haves” as one of the best online learning platforms for CME available.

To learn how EthosCE can enhance the continuing education of your medical professionals, request a free 1-on-1 demo with one of our specialists today!

