eBook Release | Data And Learning: Adding Learning Analytics To Your Organization

Data And Learning: Adding Learning Analytics To Your Organization
Summary: How do you make sense of the metrics and use Big Data to fuel long-term growth? This data and learning analytics eBook can help you meet performance goals and avoid the most costly analysis pitfalls.

Using Data And Learning Analytics To Overcome Your Biggest Business Challenges

Wading into the vast waters of eLearning Big Data can be daunting. How do you gather relevant metrics? More importantly, how do you use them to spring into action and improve your employee development strategy? Which analytical tools are worth the investment? Many L&D professionals also struggle with getting their businesses on board in the first place. This eBook offers an in-depth look at learning analytics and what they can bring to your organization. It covers everything from data focal points to real-world case studies so that you can see the metrics in action.

eBook Release: Data And Learning: Adding Learning Analytics To Your Organization
eBook Release
Data And Learning: Adding Learning Analytics To Your Organization
Discover how data and learning analytics can help your organization overcome its biggest challenges cost-effectively.

Fundamentals Of Learning Analytics

Above all, Big Data gathered from your L&D activities should be centralized and organized. But how do you use all these percentages, charts, and graphs to your advantage? That's where the analytics journey comes into play. Managers, Instructional Designers, and other key members of the team must use the data to enact meaningful change and support your business objectives. On the other hand, analytics also give you the power to identify your strong suits and delve deeper into the "why." For example, why your customer service stats are suddenly soaring, or why course completion stats are at an all-time high. As a result, you're able to implement similar methodologies or practices in other parts of your business plan to achieve similar outcomes.

The Importance Of Data And Learning Analytics For L&D Optimization

The first hurdle is broaching the subject of data and learning analytics with the organization. Even if you've already launch internal data-mining missions in the past, you must still get buy-in for additional resources to dig deeper. Here are just a few reasons why every business should consider a robust learning analytics plan to achieve their goals and bridge crucial gaps.

Disclose Hidden Pain Points

One of the top benefits of data and learning analytics is identifying overlooked pain points, specifically performance, knowledge, and skill gaps that hinder workplace productivity. For example, use behavior and engagement data to spot patterns in employee performance that negatively impact customer service stats. True data analysis isn't about broad strokes. In fact, standardized evaluation methods and analytical tools give you the opportunity to evaluate your organization at every level, from individual staffers to user groups.

Personalize Your L&D Strategy

Learning data can also help you zero in on L&D obstacles that hinder online training engagement. For instance, low attendance scores or LMS login rates may indicate that it's time for a change. You can also focus on specific learning activities to determine if other interventions or support resources are required. All of these factors enhance personalization and provide added benefit to your online learners.

Improve Online Training ROI

Of course, the perk that wins over most organizations is the cost factor. Learning analytics allow you to evaluate the relationship business reports, employee performance, and online training outcomes. As an example, sales are low this quarter, how does this tie into workplace performance behaviors? Are there any skill gaps you need to address with JIT support? Furthermore, is the main culprit lack of employee engagement during live events and certification courses? Getting to the root of the problem helps you address business challenges head-on and improve your bottom line.

Mitigate Business Risks

A popular use case for learning analytics is compliance online training, but risk mitigation extends to every aspect of business operations. For example, data evaluation can help you pinpoint areas of improvement in order to prevent workplace accidents and the expenses that come with them. Learning analytics also allow you to forecast significant changes in the market and highlight upcoming trends so that you always stay one step ahead.

About This eBook

This eBook has all the essentials you need to leverage learning analytics to boost productivity and workplace performance. It covers the basics that organizations need to kick-start a sustainable data analysis strategy, such as selecting the best evaluation method. However, it also features insider tips to help businesses who've already established a solid analytical foundation, like how to map out the rest of your Big Data journey. Here's a sneak preview of all the tips and tricks you'll find inside:

  • Talking Data To The Business
  • Tackling The 5 Top Big Data Challenges
  • Choosing The Right Training Evaluation Model
  • 5 Prime Learning Analytics Examples
  • Proven Ways An LRS Can Help You Meet Performance Goals And Objectives
  • Improve Performance And Compliance Training
  • Why Aspiring L&D Managers Should Focus On Learning Analytics In Organizations
  • Where Is Your Organization In Its Learning Analytics Journey?
  • Beyond Dashboards: 7 Tips To Develop A Learning Analytics Strategy Post-COVID

In short, this ultimate guide walks you through the learning analytics process from start to finish, so that you're able to meet your performance benchmarks cost-effectively. One of the standout chapters even shows you how to use The Learning Analytics Canvas, a free planning tool, to support your performance and compliance training initiatives.

It's Time To Delve Into The Data

This data and learning analytics eBook doesn't just brush the surface of implementing a successful plan of action. It gives you all the building blocks you need to measure performance, address gaps, and gather valuable business insights with the help of Big Data. First and foremost, you'll learn how to narrow the focus so that you're able to continually hone internal talent and mitigate compliance risks.

Which tools do you need to launch a solid learning analytics strategy? What are the best evaluation methods? Download the eBook Data And Learning: Adding Learning Analytics To Your Organization to avoid common bear traps and explore prime examples of learning analytics in action. You can also join the webinar to tap into the power of Big Data for your L&D program.