
7 Do’s and Don’ts of Video Content Marketing

Billions of people watch videos online. More such content is being uploaded on the Internet that TV has produced in three decades. More than 500 million hours of video are watched on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo based on research. If you are not using such content in your marketing, you may miss out on many opportunities. Therefore, it is important to understand why video content marketing is essential. Let’s look into some do’s and don’ts of video content marketing in this article.

7 Do’s For Video Content Marketing

Here are some things that you need to do for video content marketing:

1. Use A Professional Service

It is imperative to understand the quality of such content. This quality will reflect your brand and engage your audiences. Hence, it is recommended that you acquire the help of professionals having the necessary skills and experience to create a professional visual experience. If your video is low-quality, you will not communicate with your audiences and risk losing your customers.

2. Use Online Video Platforms

One of the most common video marketing strategy mistakes that brands and companies commit is placing a video on only one platform, like your official business website. It’s crucial to upload content on platforms like Vimeo and YouTube to get maximum exposure. This is one of the most popular video marketing tips because you can also use analytical reports to improve the efficiency of your campaigns and understand the demographics of your audiences. 

For a good video content marketing strategy it is important to consider on which social media platforms you post your content.

3. Use Of Social Media

It’s always a good idea to link your content from your online video platform to your social media handles like LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, and Twitter. This way, you can increase exposure and engage with your audiences. Additionally, your fans will also be able to share your content on their social media networks.

4. Create An Interesting Script

Your audiences care more about the problems they face and will only show an interest in your brand if you can provide them with a solution rather than your company’s history. The marketing video production should be based on something that your customers will find useful. Look for points that would capture their attention. Your script needs to show what products or services your brand is offering.

5. Be Authentic and Transparent

The content must always be authentic and transparent. The video content must convey the message of your brand with passion and honesty. You can talk about the things your brand has accomplished in different formats. Ensure that you keep the content authentic to your brand.

6. Invest In SEO

If you do it correctly, using SEO can rank it top in the search engines. You need to do more than just embedding the video on your website. You also need to pay attention to the description, tags, title, and other content features. Additionally, ensure that you invest in a decent hosting service.

7. Have A Call To Action

One of the most common online video marketing mistakes is that most marketers do not leave a call-to-action button. With the help of the call-to-action button, your audiences will know what steps they need to take after watching the video. As soon as you create and upload your content, ensure that you add a call to action. For instance, ask your viewers to comment or ask questions.

7 Don’ts For Video Content Marketing

Here are some don’ts that you have to follow when it comes to video content marketing:

1. Do Not Rely On Sound

Based on studies, it has been found that 85% of users watch videos on Facebook without sound. Ensure that you consider the platform where you will share the content; additionally, do not rely on sound to get your message across. It is important to get your story across to the audience, whether they have the sound off or on. You can rely on imagery, captions or use an instructional explainer video adding subtitles.

To optimize your video content marketing strategy you should make sure that your videos are effective even without sound

2. Do Not Overdo It

Based on many video marketing statistics, there are a lot of videos on the Internet today. However, not all videos have good content. You should remember that you do not upload content just for the sake of it. Ensure that the video aligns with your marketing goals. If not, it could affect the quality of your brand negatively.

3. Do Not Create Content Only For You

Yes, you are proud of all your achievements as the leader of your business; indeed, you would want to highlight all your achievements in the video. However, this is not what your audiences want to watch. Look for ideas that will provide value to your customers. Do your research on what your target audiences are looking for and how you can provide things they need on your content.

4. Do Not Expect Results Overnight

Once your content has been posted, you should not expect to see thousands of views in a span of a day or two. Give your video some time to do its magic; after all, most of the viral videos on the web did not become sensations overnight. Always remember to analyze the results, learn from them, and apply them to the next piece of content.

5. Do Not Add Jargons To The Video

Your ultimate goal is to ensure that your video is shared by thousands of people on their social media networks. Hence, it is suggested that you keep the language simple and avoid adding unwanted terminologies. In most cases, this turns off the audience and does not grab their attention.

Too much information is a disadvantage when creating videos for your content video marketing.

6. Do Not Make It Too Informative

To keep a video simple and short, ensure that you do not add a lot of information. This can confuse your audience. The content needs to be simple and cover only the essential points of your business. A lengthy piece with too much information has often proved to be ineffective.

7. Do Not Forget To Self-Promote

Self-promotion is the name of the game when it comes to marketing. However, ensure that you do not keep talking just about your company on the video. Additionally, try to promote the content on all your social networking platforms. Many video marketing services can help you do this.

Final Thoughts

Overall, video content marketing is just as important a form of marketing as any other. However, video content will soon be the face of marketing since more and more people are viewing videos rather than other sources of media. Therefore, it is time to pull up the game face and improve your video marketing strategy.

What’s your take on this? Would you add anything? Let us know in the comments!

Author Bio

Thomas Glare is an experienced copywriter and digital marketer with a master’s degree in media studies. He helps his clients identify their brand identity and core message, attract customers, and sell services. Thomas also loves blogging about marketing. It helps him to stay on top of all the emerging trends in the fast-changing world of advertising.