Mobile Learning: Making Content Available Anytime, Anywhere

what is mobile learning? xyleme

What is Mobile Learning?

Mobile learning, also called M-learning or mLearning, is any type of content that is developed or consumed on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and including anything from podcasts to full eLearning courses.

According to Pew Research, virtually all Americans — an overwhelming 96% — currently own some kind of cellphone, an increase of 35% since 2011. Regardless of the industry, organizations need to pay attention to these numbers and prioritize designing for mobile consumption.

Meeting the Needs of the Modern Learner

Persona: Jan is a seasoned office manager at a large insurance company.
Select each picture to see how Jan interacts with mobile learning throughout the day.

Jan starts her day by checking her Twitter feed, email and calendar on her tablet.

She heads into the office by train and uses her phone to look up her company’s updated performance procedures.

Jan sits down at her desktop computer and watches a video on a newly installed project management software her company implemented

After finishing dinner, Jan decides to complete a required compliance course.

In the evening, she responds to an email and reviews her meeting schedule for the next day.

The world is mobile; therefore, content has to be flexible, responsive and small enough to consume on the go.

Whether searching for just-in-time information or taking a formal learning course, this type of varied mobile interaction isn’t out of the ordinary in today’s workforce. 

More than ever, people are weaving learning into their daily activities and require cross-device accessibility. Therefore, it is vital that organizations shift their learning ecosystems to adapt to the modern learning landscape and adopt a mobile-learning-first approach to meet the modern learner’s expectations and deliver the right information at the exact point of need.

Benefits & Advantages of Mobile Learning

Mobile learning continues to gain popularity for many reasons, including:
  • Convenience: It’s a convenient way for users to access content exactly when, where, and how they want.
  • Engagement: Content interactions can be personalized to drive motivation and improve engagement.
  • Collaboration: Learners can communicate with vast user communities through online forums and chat tools.
  • Effectiveness: Smaller, more digestible chunks of information help improve retention & prevent cognitive overload.
  • Accessibility: mLearning content is equally accessible to all users regardless of location.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Existing content can be reused, minimizing time to market & reducing development costs

Future-Proofing Your Content for Mobile

Xyleme Streamlines Mobile Learning

Xyleme’s Learning Content Management System (LCMS) is built for mobile. With fully-customizable and mobile-ready out-of-the-box templates, our web outputs are truly responsive — automatically adapting the content layout to the specific screen size being used. And because content is separated from presentation, content is unlocked from a single, restrictive format. 

M-Learning content can be synced and reused in a variety of outputs, eliminating duplication and rework. Whether it is a web output, instructor-led guide or PowerPoint deck, Xyleme’s single-source publishing allows content to be transformed into a wide variety of layouts and configurations — all of which are mobile friendly.

Xyleme’s industry-leading LCMS helps major multinational organizations create and manage learning content across all formats. Thanks to Xyleme’s LCMS, our users successfully reduce content development and maintenance time, easily reuse content and publish to multiple output types, effectively personalize content at scale, and objectively assess content and learner performance with robust, built-in analytics dashboards.

Learn more about how Xyleme’s next generation Learning Content Management System (LCMS) — also called a Component Content Management System (CCMS) — powers digital transformation and future-proofs your content for mobile learning and beyond

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