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4 Success Factors to Convert Classroom Training to E-learning

E -learning has proved to be quite cost-effective for organizations and easily accessible for learners, compared to traditional training methods1. So, many organizations have been embracing e-learning as one of the methods to train their employees.

However, the transition of training from one platform to the other is never easy. You need to consider various factors for successful conversion. In this blog, I will share 4 such factors you need to consider when converting classroom training to e-learning.

Success Factor 1: Identify if there is a need to convert: Identify if the organization really needs to convert classroom training programs to e-learning. List the reasons for doing so. Is it just an initiative because your competitors have done it or is it because e-learning is trending? Do you have a substantial reason? Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What is the business challenge?
  • Can classroom training solve the problem? If not, can e-learning help solve the problem?
  • How can e-learning address the challenge?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing e-learning?
  • What are the other driving forces?

The answers to these questions will help you identify whether e-learning is the real solution to your training needs.

Success Factor 2: Identify how much to convert: Not all content is equally important. Some content is just nice-to-know and supports the main content. Most classroom material and manuals are large and text-heavy as they try to cover all topics comprehensively. When converting them to online learning courses, you need to identify what content is important and what is not. Some content maybe outdated. Identify such content and exclude or update it.

Success Factor 3: Choose the right rapid authoring tool: Based on the type of training and the training development requirements, you need to choose a rapid authoring tool. This might be a bit tricky as many rapid authoring tools available in the market have common features. You need to ensure you select the right rapid authoring tool, based on the learning strategy you formulate for the course. You can refer to the blog Evaluation of 3 Rapid Authoring Tools that will help you choose the ideal tool that fulfills most of your requirements.

Success Factor 4: Blend training methods: E-learning should not be a replacement for classroom training. This is because certain skills can be imparted better in a classroom setting. For example, selling skills can be taught well by an experienced salesperson. Here, e-learning helps by providing job-aids and reference material for on-the-job support. So decide how you can leverage e-learning optimally.

These are the 4 success factors you need to consider for the successful conversion of classroom training material to engaging and interactive e-learning courses. Hope you found this post informative. Please share your views in the Comments section.

Classroom to eLearning Conversion – FAQs and More