Work at Home in Style: 6 Work from Home Fashion Tips for Men


Just because you’re not in the office doesn’t mean it’s okay to be a bit of a slacker when it comes to style.

If you’ve been working remotely since the start of the lockdown last March 2020, you’re probably reading this article alongside your office tasks. It’s just a wild guess but I bet you’re wearing a loose shirt and a pair of shorts right now. If you don’t have a home office, you’re probably in your bedroom. And yes, you’re working without taking a bath. 

While we love our loose pajamas and soft slip-on, putting a little effort into dressing up for work can make a difference when it comes to your productivity. 

This whole work-from-home setup somehow blurred the lines between our work life and personal life. We used to leave our work tasks in the office so we can enjoy the comforts of our home. Fast-forward to today’s virtual office setting, our beds, dining tables, sofas, and other homey furniture pieces are also used for work, making it harder to retain your focus. 

Dressing up impacts your psychology. It helps distinguish the “you at work” and the “you at home”, and keep these two personas separate. When you dress up in your usual office attire even without a video conference, somehow there’s an invisible force putting you to work mode: you’re more focused and productive, even if your work desk is your dining table. 

Ready to dress up for work while at home? Follow these WFH fashion tips that mix comfort, function, and style. 

1. Stick to your old grooming routine

grooming routine

Can you still remember your routine before the pandemic halted your office work setup? Aside from sticking to your work schedule, try to get back into the groove of things in terms of grooming. Wake up, take a bath, put on your favorite stylish clothes, comb your hair, and put on some pomade, and look and feel like the pro that you are.

Trust us: when you stick to your old schedule, you’re less likely to struggle when trying to switch back to work mode. 

2. Ditch baggy shirts: Opt for smart, casual. and tailored tops

Ditch baggy shirts

You don’t need a three-piece suit, but please, reserve your baggy clothes for sleeping. Tailored men’s shirts provide a bit more structure to your otherwise lazy workday at home. Stick to smart casualwear ideas, like a slim fit cotton button-down shirt, a humble polo shirt, and a work-approved jumper for a more fitted look. 

Don’t ditch comfort by opting for something in between baggy and overly tight — something that’ll make you excited to change clothes in the morning and look forward to a great, productive day. 

3. Top it off with a blazer or overshirt


If your day involves doing Zoom meetings with your boss and colleagues, wearing a blazer can help take your work outfit up a notch. A slim fit blazer, cardigan, or overshirt (or shirt jacket) in neutral colors of black, beige, army green, or navy is all it takes to level up your humble tee. Keep it comfy by using a lightweight fabric.

4. Wear work-approved clothing for your bottom

clothing for your bottom

The last thing you want to happen is to stand up in the middle of a video conference call to get something, only to realize that you’re wearing a pair of flamingo boxer shorts. A couple of home-based TV reporters learned this lesson the hard way during the pandemic.

Do yourself a favor and wear a legit, work-approved pair of pants. Wear jeans, chinos, or even nice cargo shorts. You’ll never know when you’re forced to leave the frame.

5. Brighten up with fun colors and prints

fun colors

Just because you’re trying to condition your mind into work mode doesn’t mean you’ll always stick to classic neutral palettes. Spice up your wardrobe with fun, unexpected colors, and patterns. Dress up for your Zoom meeting with your work team. Just keep the graphic tees in the drawer and opt for more polished workwear in fun colors and prints. 

6. Don’t forget your feet: Loafers can do the trick 


Dressing up for work means polishing yourself from head to toe — so put on your gorgeous pair of dress shoes. We understand that wearing oxfords at home might seem a bit too much, so stick to your comfy, hassle-free, and wearable pair of loafers. It’s enough to make you feel like you’re smartly dressed.  

So there you have it — our comfortable, stylish, and functional home wardrobe staple! Once you’ve developed a routine, there’s no going back to your old ways of sweatshirts and slippers.