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Verizon recognized for innovation in workplace learning

We are very proud of our seven year partnership with Verizon.

Verizon gets recognized every year as THE role model for effective talent development and workplace learning. The last few years several q.MINDshare campaigns have been included in those acknowledgments.

Here are some links to recent awards for learning campaigns where the proactive delivery, adaptive reinforcement and measurement capabilities of q.MINDshare played a strategic role with their integrated training strategy:

    • Training Magazine Top 125 Award: Watch the 90 second video about this! Actually it should have been called Top 1 Award because Verizon was on top. Q was used on a variety of campaigns, but here are the highlighted use cases.
      • Technology Adoption: q delivered preinforcement and reinforcement to drive fast, consistent adoption of both their rollout to 5,000 enterprise sales executives.
      • Sales Process Adoption: Verizon had over a dozen disparate sales methodologies and used q.MINDshare to provide training preinforcement and reinforcement as they migrated to their uniform Values-Focused Selling methodology.
    • Training Magazine Hall of Fame: Watch the 40 second video about this! Learn how Verizon’s Emergency Work Assignment (EWA) Training prepared more than 13,000 employees to perform 57 roles. Across the 57 curricula, Q delivered over 3,100 interactive preinforcement and training reinforcement nuggets with a completion rate of 90% and 81% of participants registering high or competent performance levels. Verizon also won the ATD (formerly ASTD) Best Award for this same initiative.
  • "Based on the success we had using q.MINDshare, we plan to more broadly deploy this tool for other initiatives."

    Claudia Healy
    Claudia Healy Vice President - Human Resources Operations, Verizon Wireless

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