Developing Interpersonal Communication Skills

Being able to communicate is important. But effective communication is critical. While everyone has the ability to engage and speak with one another, it doesn’t always mean it is done in a manner that is conducive to the workplace. Have you ever given thought to how your interpersonal communication skills affect your colleagues and work environment?

Four professionals holding colorful speech bubble signs overhead in a cityscape.


While interpersonal communication skills can be verbal, they also include non-verbal messages, such as body language and facial expressions. It can be hard to process the myriad of ways in which we communicate without ever saying a word. However, it’s important to be mindful of all levels of communication, because they have a profound effect on our daily affairs and how we interact with the world around us. At any given moment, you are potentially communicating with someone without even knowing it.

Here are some tips to ensure that you are always putting your best foot forward:

  • Be aware of your surroundings at work. You are always visible to someone. Be mindful of your tone, your body language and how you conduct yourself at all times.
  • Treat others as you want to be treated. It’s the golden rule of life, right? If you are wanting to be communicated with in a respectful manner, then why wouldn’t you do the same for those around you?
  • Watch your body language. Shrugging shoulders, heavy sighs and sagging posture at meetings can be signs that you are indifferent to what is going on around you. Be aware of the motions you are doing with your body because other people are noticing.

Developing these soft skills are a critical part of being able to communicate effectively within the workplace. Companies are seeking candidates who have these soft skills, including strong communication skills.

Developing Interpersonal Communication Skills of Employees Is Critical

A company cannot move forward in its growth if it is full of employees who are unable to communicate with one another. Some top ways to incorporate interpersonal communication skills in the workplace include helping employees learn how to negotiate effectively, listen well, and develop the ability to give and take constructive criticism. Consequently, many companies are also focusing on soft skills training. Harvard University, Boston College, and the University of Michigan found that enhancing those skills led to a 12 percent boost in retention, as well as a significant increase in overall productivity. No matter what methodologies companies employ to ensure these soft skills are being applied effectively, the fact remains that soft skills can and should be taught.

As companies continue to grow and develop throughout different parts of the world, it is important to make certain that effective interpersonal communication skills are in place. Don’t have barriers between employees due to lack of training. Take the time and make the effort to ensure your employees are well-versed in effective communication skills. It’s not only a good morale booster, but also a great return on your time invested.

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