10 Reasons Why US Companies Prefer Online Compliance

United States Companies Prefer Online Compliance

Traditionally, anything that has to do with compliance usually involves a lot of paperwork. It is a tedious process for a lot of companies, but something that important needs be completed carefully.

In today’s world, a lot of compliance work has moved online, especially surrounding Health & Safety. Having online compliance systems set up can provide a lot of benefits for any company regardless of size. Here are ten reasons why United States companies prefer online compliance compared to the old way.

Top 10 reasons why US companies prefer online compliance software

  1. It saves training time
  2. It saves space and even the environment
  3. Fewer work hours are needed
  4. Better analysis
  5. Improve the training schedules
  6. Stronger training
  7. New employees benefit more
  8. Sense of security
  9. Better retention rates with employees
  10. Better applicants

1. It saves training time

Having live training for compliance is a very time-consuming process. All the employees need to be in one single location. It may cost a lot of money to get everyone in the same area, but this will save valuable time. When online compliance training is available, everything runs more efficiently. There is a rise in productivity while saving revenue.

2. It saves space and even the environment

A lot of paper goes into traditional compliance training and most view that as not only wasteful for the environment but a waste of space in the office as well. Everything from guides to spreadsheets for every single employee can take up a lot of space that can be used for other things.

Paper isn’t all that expensive, but it starts to add up. Factor in the environment and all the trees that can be saved from not having to print off so many different things, and it is a good look for any company. Digital foldering and online electronic paperwork solutions are robust, automated and help with your reporting needs.

3. Fewer work hours are needed

With fewer papers to file and a system that is not nearly as cluttered, managing a compliance system is going to be much easier. That can save a lot of hours throughout the year, and maybe someone does not need to be dedicated to handling that part of the day. That all leads to big savings in the end.

4. Better analysis

An online compliance system is going to allow managers to see exactly what employees might be struggling with. By breaking everything down and giving a report, they can address exactly what might be going wrong and work from there.

5. Improve the training schedules

All compliance meetings in the past would usually only be held a few times a year just because it was a logistics nightmare to do it more often. With online compliance training, the courses can be offered pretty much every single day. Everything can be repeated right there on the spot, so there is no extra cost involved.

6. Stronger training

Offering online compliance training is beneficial in those industries where all the details matter. Training allows the employee to reference or review material when they are not clear or do not recall methods or procedures. This goes for online company-specific training or 3rd party online safety-compliance training.

7. New employees benefit more

Have any new employee means that they need to go through all the compliance information right away. Training can be very tedious, and it also takes a lot of time to go through the entire process. An online platform for onboarding or site-orientations is going to make things a little bit easier so that the new employee can go at their own speed.

8. Sense of security

Having a sense of security around the workplace is something that a lot of employees enjoy. By having a great set up for compliance, people can feel much more at ease with what they are doing on a daily basis. No one enjoys talking about compliance, but having the information is valuable.

9. Better retention rates with employees

Another benefit of better compliance is that people are much more likely to stay with a company. If a person does not feel safe, they usually do not like to stay with a company for longer than a year. Online compliance is something that can be very beneficial in making people feel safe at the workplace. It also shows that the company cares about them and everyone else by taking compliance very seriously.

10. Better applicants

Those looking for a job are going to look at the smaller things if they have several different job offers. Online compliance might not seem like a big deal, but it could make or break a person going with one company over the other. Having online compliance shows that the company is very invested in making sure that all employees are not only safe but healthy. It also shows that the company is on the cutting edge of technology and not stuck in the past.