Has your online training gone sour? Is it time to refresh stale online training content so that it appeals to modern employees? In this article, I’ll share 9 budget-friendly ways that you can revitalize your online training content.


Relevancy is key to unlocking the potential of your online training program. Your online training content must speak to your employees on a personal level, as well as give them the online training resources they require to overcome daily challenges.

But does your organization have enough wiggle room in the budget to modernize its online training initiatives? Here are 9 cost-effective ways to revamp outdated online training content as quickly as possible.

1. Make It Multiplatform-Friendly

Corporate learners expect to be able to take their training with them. Whether they are on the sales floor or in the middle of a client meeting, they require round-the-clock online training resources. As such, one of the best ways to overhaul your outdated online training content is to make it multiplatform-friendly.

Use a responsive design eLearning authoring tool to create a master layout that adjusts based on the device. You can also give corporate learners control of the audio so that they can access the online training materials anytime, anywhere.

Last, but not least, include subtitles or audio captions to allow employees to read the online training content, which also makes it ideally suited for learners with special needs.

2. Add A Microlearning Online Training Library

Microlearning online training libraries provide bite-sized support for your employees. You can even use existing online training content to create an online training repository by breaking it into easily digestible modules.

For example, that outdated compliance presentation becomes a series of engaging online training videos that employees can quickly access during their “moment of need“. This also gives you the opportunity to streamline your eLearning course design and remove unnecessary, outdated online training content. For instance, omit ten minutes of the presentation which contains outdated information.

3. De-Clutter Your eLearning Course Design


Is your current online training course bogged down with irrelevant images and ideas? De-cluttering your eLearning course design can give it a cost-effective makeover. Not to mention, enhance the value for your remote employees. They don’t have to worry about wading through facts, stats, and visuals that are no longer important, such as compliance regulations or processes that were updated months ago.

This helps to prevent cognitive overload and allows them to retain the takeaways instead of trying to soak up information that no longer applies to their job duties or responsibilities.

4. Conduct Employee Surveys To Re-Evaluate Your Needs

Is your organization in touch with your employees’ goals, preferences, and expectations? If not, it may be time to carry out surveys, polls, and interviews to re-evaluate their needs. As a result, you’re able to customize the online training content to help them achieve their learning objectives.

For instance, customer service associates would like to see more interactive online training simulations and branching scenarios to improve their task performance. You can also conduct on-the-job observations to identify gaps that your current online training program has overlooked.

5. Refresh The Navigation Controls

Something as simple as improving your navigation controls can transform the look and feel of your online training course. Take a closer look at the icons, buttons, and links that are in your eLearning course design. Are they still active? Do they need a modern makeover? Is the layout intuitive?

These factors can significantly improve the accessibility of your online training course. Employees won’t have to worry about the frustration that comes with broken or outdated links or navigation buttons that aren’t clearly labeled. They can simply click through to the next online training activity to get the information they need.

6. Create A Reusable eLearning Template

Reusable eLearning templates give you the power to overhaul your outdated online training content on a larger scale. Create a master layout and export the data from your existing online training materials, then import it to the new and improved eLearning template. eLearning templates are versatile time-savers that allow you to develop modern online training resources rapidly.

Make sure to leave room in your eLearning template for additional online training activities and assessments. Otherwise, you’ll have to start from scratch in order to accommodate the changes.

7. Use An Asset-Rich Rapid eLearning Authoring Tool

Rapid eLearning authoring tools are well worth the investment. Particularly, asset-rich software that features plenty of images, cut-out characters, layouts, themes, and audio elements.

These platforms help you incorporate updated media to your existing eLearning course design. Better still, you don’t need to search for external online training resources. For example, themed eLearning templates that serve as a foundation for your revamped online training content.

8. Curate And Integrate Third-Party Online Training Content

Why not make the most of online training resources that tie into the training topic? There are a variety of articles, videos, and other online training content that you can integrate into your online training course.

The key is curating, organizing, and prioritizing the online training content to enhance its training value. It’s also wise to obtain the proper usage rights for the online training materials. For instance, written permission from the original creator or a link that leads to the Creative Commons agreement.

9. Incorporate Real-World Online Training Activities

First and foremost, employees need relevant online training content that translates into practical application. Simulations, stories, case studies, branching scenarios, and serious games are all online training activities that facilitate real-world experience. Consider incorporating these online training resources into your outdated online training course.

Many rapid eLearning authoring tools feature built-in eLearning templates that you can use to save time. You can also add infographics and other visual aids to improve knowledge retention and real-world application. Once again, audience research will help you choose the best online training activities for your remote workforce.

Outdated online training content stands in the way of practical application and skill development. Employees aren’t able to connect with the online training content or assign meaning. Thus, they cannot put their knowledge into practice on the job. Use these 9 tips to refresh your online training course for your modern, multi-generational workforce.

Another budget-friendly way to revamp your outdated online training content is to incorporate a mentorship program. Read the article 7 Tips For Developing An Effective Mentorship Online Training Program to learn some tips on how to develop an effective mentorship online training program for your organization.

And if you are looking for specific steps to revitalize stale content for engagement, see Infopro Learning’s guide Modernize for Engagement for the five steps to modernize old content for engagement.

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