January 4, 2019
Filmstrip and Master slide view
January 4, 2019
Filmstrip and Master slide view
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I just upgraded to captivate 2019 from captivate 9. In captivate 9 I was able to have film strip, master slide and object state all on the left hand side of my project. And also be able to drag each one along with my timeline. So far in 2019 I have not figured out how to do this. Every time I click on master side and film strip, they just switch places, so its either one or the other and wont let me add both at the same time.

Does anyone know how I can set this up like I had with captivate 9? And also why I can’t drag and move my timeline?

Thanks so much,


2019-01-08 17:34:53
2019-01-08 17:34:53

Did my answer help you to solve the issue? Please, give some feedback.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-02-07 21:35:26
2019-02-07 21:35:26
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you Lieve. Your sharing is really helpful.

's comment
2019-02-07 22:49:45
2019-02-07 22:49:45
's comment

Kind to answer, wnated to know from the one who posted this question if my answer helped? Apparently  it had some meaning for you, which is fine!

2019-01-05 11:04:54
2019-01-05 11:04:54

It was the same in CP9. Maybe you forgot to switch to the Expert UI in your present version? Only in that situation will you be able to create custom workspaces.

Go int Preferences, General settings and check the option ‘EEnable Custom workspaces….’. Restart Captivate and you will be able to create a custom workspace where both Master slide and Filmstrip are available. I prefer dragging the Master slide to the bottom docking station, so that I can watch both Master slide and Filmstrip panel at the same time.

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