Goldmine for Stock Photos

By: Justin Ferriman March 18, 2014
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freesurveymonkeyIf you have been creating digital content, then you have searched for photos online. For many people, this involves jumping into Google and searching for images and then inserting them into their project (be it legal or not).

Over the years there have been some image repositories to come about, many of which are quite good and very useful when creating an elearning course or even just a PowerPoint presentation. At most, all that is needed is a free account.

Luckily for you, there is a new goldmine for stock photos – and from one of the biggest names in the industry.

Embed Getty Images

If you have been online for more than five minutes, you have undoubtedly heard of Getty. Their pictures and images are everywhere, (most notably on news sites like CNN).

Head on over to The Verge to read their post on this digital rights revolution, and recent changes Getty has made.

While you’re at it, swing by Getty to snag some quality photos for your next project. If an image on the site has the “Embed” icons  next to it , then you can use the Embed feature to publish the image to your website or social media page for editorial use only without having to buy a license. All other usages of the images require the purchase of a license.

Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter