CEO of Easygenerator

vote-1804596_640-624x416Jane Hart is conducting her annual Digital Learning Tools survey. An interesting list to follow. Here is my top 10 for 2018.

  1. Easygenerator. Yes, I know it’s my own tool. But we are actually constantly using it to create learning for our company. 
  2. Slack. We use Slack for all our internal communication. I have to say that, initially, I was not a big fan, but it has grown on me significantly.
  3. Zoom. We use Zoom for internal meetings, webinars and learning sessions with customers. I love it!
  4. WordPress. Writing down my thoughts, experiences, and ideas in WordPress in the form of a blog is still one of my best ways to learn.
  5. MindNode. Making mind maps is a great way to organize your thoughts and gain new perspectives. I have been using MindNode for years now and still love it.
  6. YouTube. My number one go-to whenever I need to know how to do something.
  7. Google search. I know, but it still works, and I google a lot!
  8. Google Docs. We use Google docs a lot for my team. It’s a great way to collaborate and learn. I love it!
  9. Dropbox. I have been using Dropbox for over ten years now. I would not know what to do without it.
  10. Trello. Simple but effective. A great place to organize, collaborate and learn.


There you have it, my personal top 10 learning tools. I noticed that there are no social media tools anymore on my list. If you want to vote for Jane’s top 200 please do so via this link and surely, I would not mind if you put Easygenerator on your list and get us on Jane’s list for the fifth year in a row!

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