6 Interesting Chatbot Use Cases for Learning



Most people think of chatbots as passive, web-based user experiences – you visit some website, a chat window pops up (sometimes annoyingly) and you either dismiss it immediately or ask it a question if you have one. However, chatbots are really any computer-simulated conversation and they can do a lot more!

Chatbots can meet users on SMS, WhatsApp, MSFT Teams, Slack, Telegram, and really anywhere you interact with other people. Chatbots on these messaging channels can be effective virtual personas that can do so much more than answer questions. They can be programmed to teach, nudge, remind, follow up and so forth.

In this webinar, Vince discussed 6 use cases where chatbots can be very effective in supporting corporate learning initiatives:
-Training Reinforcement
-Learner Support
-LMS chatbot
-Micro Learning

Watch another webinar about The TOP Seven Chatbot Use Cases for Learning.

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