What Are The Best Ways to Motivate Employees to Complete their Training?
Having trouble getting your team to finish their trainings? You’re not alone. Many companies struggle with low completion rates when the training is not compulsory. Unless participants are in a classroom being directed to do so, it can be difficult to get participants to complete training in their own time, including on the job. Luckily there are several things you can do to help motivate them to put in the extra effort. It’s worth it for you and for them too.

Here are a few tips:

1) Get Creative
Instructional design might seem dull (unless you’re as excited by it as we are), but when a training program is designed in an exciting and engaging way, you are much more likely to see your completion rates go up. Students stay engaged when they are taught in an engaging way. If your material is dull or lifeless, you may well be putting your training resources at risk. Imagine how you felt as a student yourself, listening to an instructor who wasn’t invested in their own lesson. It was always the excited and creative teachers who left their students excited about the lesson they were learning. The same holds true for instructional design. Test out different formats, different content, even different presenters can make a big difference. The bottom line is to not shy away from the opportunity to shake things up. Your employees will thank you for the extra thought to their time, and your workforce will be better trained to boot.
2) Incentivize Trainings
If you are asking employees to complete non-mandatory training in their limited free time, make sure you are making it worth the effort for them. Incentives can come in all shapes and sizes, and finding the right fit for you and your team is something only you can do. But when exploring this option, don’t be afraid to start small and up the ante, if needed. Consider giving out gift cards, or small bonuses for employees who complete all their trainings by a certain date. Certificates, badges, or other differentiators can help trainees stand out from their colleagues. The bottom line is that you want to recognize the team members who make training and their continued development a priority, and make them an example to their colleagues. Help them to be proud of their accomplishment and show them how meaningful it is to the company as a whole.
3) Communicate the Importance of Each Training
If your employees don’t know why they need to be trained on a subject that will take important time away from them, their motivation will inevitably lag. It’s up to you to communicate why each training program matters, and how it will improve their situation in the long run. By showing them that training matters to you and corporate leadership, you will see it become more of a priority for your staff members as well.
Are you looking to get your employees motivated but need some inspiration?
Looking for a helping hand to land your next big training program? Our instructional design consultants work with your leadership and subject matter experts to help develop talent and implement performance management practices. Our learning effectiveness consultants can assist you with establishing, reporting on, and analyzing valuable learning metrics. Our learning technology consultants can help you select, implement, customize, and integrate tools to match your organization’s needs. Contact us today and see how WE can partner with YOU to meet your goals!

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