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Cloud Computing in Education

  • Published on: September 21, 2021
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  • Updated on: April 24, 2024
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  • Reading Time: 5 mins
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Authored By:

Akhil Mittal


Cloud computing is a modern approach to manage business requirements more efficiently. With the breakthrough of future-focused technology, the term has only evolved and become more popular. You can easily find cloud computing applications in several domains. Many software companies are transitioning from an expensive licensed software model to a cheaper, flexible, and efficient cloud subscription model. This article explains how cloud computing has spread like a virus and how it impacts education technology. Before digging deeper, it is crucial to understand the meaning of cloud computing.


What is Cloud Computing?

The internet has changed the way companies conduct business and interact with customers. Traditionally, both hardware and software were part of one system. Hence, users could access data available within the system. In today’s competitive environment, business owners prefer an approach that allows them to access the right services at the right time irrespective of the device (laptop/smartphone/tablet).

Cloud computing is an approach that allows you to access the services (resources, applications, databases, emails, or file services) or data that resides a location in another server. You can access the data if you have an active internet connection and an electronic device. You only pay for the services you use.


What is Cloud Computing in Education?

In the context of education, cloud computing refers to the use of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than relying on local servers or personal computers. This holds many possibilities for edtech companies and educational institutions. It allows them to grant access to a wide range of services and resources, such as applications, databases, emails, and file services, globally or remotely, over the Internet.


How Does Cloud Computing Work?

Cloud computing offers several key benefits to the education sector

1. Cost-Effectiveness in Managing Learning Environments

By adopting cloud computing in education, institutions can reduce expenses related to hardware and software infrastructure. With cloud services, there’s no need to maintain on-premises servers or invest in extensive IT infrastructure. This reduces maintenance costs, staffing needs, and the complexity of managing hardware, leading to significant savings. Cloud computing typically operates on a pay-as-you-go model, where companies are billed based on usage. This allows edtech companies to avoid over-provisioning resources and paying for idle capacity, optimizing costs while ensuring they have the resources they need when demand spikes.

2. Scalability During Peak School Seasons

Cloud computing allows educational institutions to scale their infrastructure requirement based on demand. They can dynamically adjust cloud computing requirement based on demand, accommodating fluctuating user loads. This scalability allows them to efficiently handle increased traffic during peak times, deploy new features or updates rapidly, and scale down resources during quieter periods.

3. Global Access to Resources

Cloud computing with educational cloud services enables access to educational resources from anywhere, at any time, as long as there is an internet connection. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for students and teachers who need to access educational materials remotely. Cloud providers offer built-in redundancy and backup solutions, ensuring that educational resources remain accessible even in the event of hardware failures or natural disasters.

4. Collaboration

Cloud computing promotes collaboration among students and teachers by providing tools for sharing and accessing information. It allows for real-time collaboration on projects and assignments, enhancing the overall learning experience.

5. Security

Cloud computing providers typically offer robust security measures to protect data stored in the cloud. This ensures that sensitive educational information remains secure and protected from unauthorized access.


How Does Cloud Computing Work?

Cloud computing is the sharing of resources, applications, storage, and information over a network. Cloud computing consists of two parts; front-end and back-end. The front-end section consists of the user interface, and the back-end section consists of the application, platform, and infrastructure that make up the cloud environment.

The front-end interface allows users to access applications, resources, and data stored in the cloud environment. For example, log in to your Google account to access the email or Dropbox account to access the files shared by other users. However, the back-end interface is the backbone of cloud computing technology responsible for securing the information. The back end is the interface where all the servers, computers, and databases reside. The central server follows a few protocols (set of instructions) to facilitate operations.

Cloud computing operates by shifting a significant workload between resources. Local computers do not have to use many resources when it comes to running applications. The network of servers in the cloud environment handles the work instead. Hence, a decrease in the user’s side software and hardware resources.


Benefits of Cloud Computing for Businesses of All Sizes

Technology innovation has offered numerous alternative solutions for companies of all sizes to operate their business more efficiently. Cloud computing has become a new trend in data center management. The following is a list of reasons companies are transitioning to cloud computing services.


Cloud computing eliminates the expenditures of purchasing software and hardware equipment, setting up and running data centers such as electricity expenses for power and cooling of servers, high-skilled IT resources for managing the infrastructure, etc.


Cloud computing allows businesses to scale elastically to align with the requirements. It delivers the relevant number of resources at the right time, required as per your business needs like computing resources, storage, bandwidth, etc.


Most cloud computing services are provided on-demand and are configurable by one person in a few minutes. Hence, you can provision databases or resources with a few clicks only.


Most cloud computing services are provided on-demand and are configurable by one person in a few minutes. Hence, you can provision databases or resources with a few clicks only.


Cloud computing eliminates the need for IT resources to set up hardware. You can use these resources in other areas to drive more crucial business goals.


Cloud computing offers reliability by maintaining multiple copies of data at different servers. You can use these copies for data backup or during disaster recovery.



Written By:

Akhil Mittal

Akhil is a C# Corner MVP, Code Project MVP, ex- Microsoft MVP, a blogger, author who loves to write/read technical articles. He brings an experience of more than 12 years in developing, designing, architecting enterprises level applications primarily in Microsoft Technologies


Cloud computing in education uses remote internet servers to store, manage, and process data, unlike traditional computing that relies on local servers. This approach offers more flexibility and scalability.

Educational cloud computing helps reduce costs related to hardware and software, provides scalability to adjust resources as needed, enables access to educational resources from anywhere, enhances collaboration, and offers robust security for data protection.

Cloud computing shares resources, applications, and information over a network. Its key components include the front-end (user interface) and back-end (application, platform, and infrastructure). The front end allows access to cloud services, while the back end manages the cloud environment and ensures security.

Cloud computing is important for businesses as it reduces costs, offers scalability, provides security features, improves speed and productivity, and ensures reliability through data backup and disaster recovery measures.

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