January 11, 2019
Old project(published as SWF in CP6), not working when republished for HTML5 in CP2017
January 11, 2019
Old project(published as SWF in CP6), not working when republished for HTML5 in CP2017
in It industry as Instructor, Developer since 25+ years. Work on Java, .Net, Network protocols, Different Networking System like Linux, Windows Server . Prog. in Adv. Excel etc.
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I used captivate CS 5.5 and then CS6 a lot in 2014. (At that time), I preferred all my O/P publication in SWF.  Then, was engaged in a projects that uses another software/tools Visual studio …. But as HTML5 is now growing as default standard, I just republished my old Captivate projects in HTML5, but it is not giving any output in HTML5. It gives problem the moment I add Random Question slide(from Q. Pool) in the project. What could be wrong?

I checked compatibility using HTML5 Tracker.

 Also checked for any transient effect and similar SWF component…

Project Preview (Preview à Project)  in Captivate Built-in feature works fine but Preview in HTML5 Browser does not give any output(just Blank White screen). Final Publishing is also not working. Even I Enabled Flash Extension in Web Browser(so that in case, there is some Flash component then also it work.) but no success.

Help would be appreciated.

2019-01-14 03:42:01
2019-01-14 03:42:01

I created a new Questions pool and transferred all questions to that new pool. and It worked !!! So culprit was old question pool that did not work with 2017(with no obvious reason.)

chandresh shah
's comment
2019-01-14 12:15:01
2019-01-14 12:15:01
chandresh shah
's comment

Thanks to offer that feedback. It was an update issue as I suspected.

2019-01-11 10:21:21
2019-01-11 10:21:21

Thanks for your detailed reply & explanation. Confusion is, as far as old project concern there is nothing that is changed as far as quiz is concern. I mean nothing that is depricated. When I checked same project and same quetion slide wothour random question, it work! it gives problem only if choose question from question bank. So, not to save my old project, but to undertand technical reason, it is imporntant that what could be going wrong? Even I removed almost every slides of that and adding one random Q slide, it stuck! I thought Question slide ,ay be problamatic, so to check that, I added all questions slides directly in main project. and all Q are working fine in HTML5 o/p. So nether Q slides are faulty not I kept more complex script in project. then what is stoping output. Also assuming there may be small error, then don’t you agree that in that case, Captivate need to give error message releveant to that?

Once again thank you for taking effort to reply in depth.

chandresh shah
's comment
2019-01-11 10:34:23
2019-01-11 10:34:23
chandresh shah
's comment

Just for testing, take a backup please: could you apply one of the default themes to both the question pools and the course slides (including the quiz slides). I did see a lot of problems on the forums about using old themes in recent versions. You know probably that themes consist of the object styles and master slides and some minor components. That test would ensure that the pools and the course slides use exactly the same master slides and object styles. Lot has changed concerning the states for interactive objects between 6 and 10.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-01-11 10:39:33
2019-01-11 10:39:33
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

This is god point. I must agree that theme is old. I thought how will it make different. BUT now I will check it in evening or by tommorow. Thank you once again.

chandresh shah
's comment
2019-01-11 10:42:25
2019-01-11 10:42:25
chandresh shah
's comment

Lot of developers ignore the importance of themes. Most advanced training I provide has to start with explaining in-depth either Themes or the Timeline, which is quite astonishing for developers which have already taken several trainings and watched many videos or read books. It is a topic that is rarely treated.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-01-14 03:38:09
2019-01-14 03:38:09
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Hi Leive Weyeis, As per your suggestion, yesterday I tried changing CP 6 theme and replaced it with another theme (CP 2017). But no success.

Then, I  tried one more thing. I created a new Questions pool and transferred all questions to that new pool. and It worked !!!

2019-01-11 08:59:55
2019-01-11 08:59:55

Oops, you are talking about upgrading a project over 4 versions?  Moreover to a totally different output, which has lot more limitations than the good old SWF output.

I suppose you are talking about a non-responsive project since it was made with CP6. You seem to ignore that Preview needs to publish a temporary file. For a non-responsive project all Preview methods except F11 (Preview HTML in Browser) that temporary project is always SWF, so it is logical that you don’t have that much problems with it since it was created for SWF output.  Try F11 and test in different browsers; I don’t think it will be functional at all.

BTW: you will have to hurry with conversion, not because HTML is becoming the standard, but because desktop browsers will prevent using Flash Player sooner or later (as is already the case for Edge) and Flash Player is definitely dead at the end of this year?

Quiz master slides have changed a lot, they have always been very sensitive to upgrades, even over much less versions than from 6 to version 10. You will have to recreate them.

HTML tracker can help, but will not detect everything that is not possible for HTML output.

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