February 7, 2019
Adding a blank slide to a software simulation
February 7, 2019
Adding a blank slide to a software simulation
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello all

I don’t know if i am going mad, but i am pretty sure that in the past, i was able to add blank slides to the beginning of my software simulation, but I am no longer able to do so.  I am also pretty sure that i could shuffle slides up and down in the filmstrip, but again, I am unable to do so as of a few days ago.  Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

2019-02-11 09:59:58
2019-02-11 09:59:58

Please, could you fix the problems? If that is the case, would be nice to post a short note explaining what has done the trick?

2019-02-09 03:28:01
2019-02-09 03:28:01

Not exactly like your problem, but I often faced a similar problem in past. try out my Work-around.

Save the project with a new name (Save as).

Close that and re-open the newly saved file. and you may see that you could add a new blank slide.

chandresh shah
's comment
2019-02-09 08:44:12
2019-02-09 08:44:12
chandresh shah
's comment

That can be a workaround, but if the project tends to be corrupted it will not solve the problem.

Simplifying now: this problem could be due to starting corruption either on Captivate’s lievel or on project level. To solve the first, you clean the Preferences. To solve possible project corruption, you need to create a new project with the same resolution and using the same theme (hope the theme was saved and project not full of overriden styles). Copy/paste slides by small amounts to the new project, and test if it is still functional. Goal is to find the slide which is the culprit of the corruption.  Recreate that slide or find the corrupted object.


2019-02-08 09:07:01
2019-02-08 09:07:01

Which version ae you using?  Nothing has really changed for software simulations (hope you are not pointing to a Video Demo). You can always add slides form any master slide before or after chose slides. However if you have mouse objects on the slides in a sequences of slides you have to be careful not to break the normal flow because the end of the path in a slide is normally exactly the same as the start in the following slide.

Did you try to clear the cache and clean the Preferences.

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