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Introducing Docebo’s Ideas Portal: Grab a Seat at Our Learning Innovation Table

• 3 min read

A place for our customers to share ideas, have their voices heard and contribute to Docebo’s fast-paced innovation process.

We have some exciting news for all of our customers.

As anticipated in the last few weeks, Docebo is proud to announce the launch of a dedicated location for browsing and submitting your product ideas. This initiative will help you have your voice heard and considered in Docebo’s fast-paced product innovation process.

In our Ideas Portal, superadmins are encouraged to browse, submit and vote on product ideas through a central and dedicated location that’s accessible from within your Docebo platform and powered by the world’s leader of this technology,

What Can You do With The Ideas Portal?  

  • Browse Ideas:
    • Discover ideas circulating among Docebo customers
    • Comment on or ask questions about ideas of interest submitted by other customers
  • Vote on ideas from other customers:
    • Support ideas you like by adding your vote so they are more likely to be implemented
  • Track the status of your idea
    • Check back to see if your idea has been considered, accepted, planned or rejected
    • Receive alerts on any status changes

The Ideas portal is currently available to all Docebo customers in all plans, provided they have activated the 7.0 Theme.

How You Can Increase The likelihood That Your Favorite Ideas Are Accepted

Our product team gets hundreds of ideas and feature requests everyday. Which ones are going to make it in the roadmap? Here is how to get your ideas and product enhancements likely to be considered:

  1. When you’re submitting an idea, focus on explaining the problem you want to solve and why solving it is vital to your own needs.
  2. Providing scenarios in which you’ve been affected by the problem or by the lack of the feature you’re submitting to make the problem more clear and provide business justification.
  3. Explaining the problem or the goal of your idea will get more customers to understand and upvote it, making it far more likely to be planned for
  4. If you have possible design solutions in mind, share those ideas as well, but don’t lead with it. Product people need problems to solve, and they’re extremely good at finding the right solutions within a haystack of possible ones

Mind of a Product Manager

There are a few decision criteria that are adopted by product teams in any SaaS organization regarding ideas or requests, so you can see what happens

Product managers, product owners and product design people plan for problems, not features. So when they get a request from a customer or evaluate an idea from coworkers, this is how they think like:

  • Does it provide value by solving a problem for many customers or for a single one?
  • Does it balance functionality with ease of use and consistency across the platform?
  • Does it balance functionality with effort?
  • Does it adhere to Docebo product vision and roadmap?

We’re extremely excited to give our customers a way to play a valuable role in Docebo’s product innovation journey.

Start suggesting your Ideas today!

Download our free 14-day trial to explore what’s possible.