The Top 3 Online Learning Industry Trends in 2019
This year’s trends focus on the learner experience

Online learning has become increasingly popular over the years. Since much of it is self-directed, employees can more easily work it into their busy schedules. Plus, online learning is highly portable, often being accessible through company computers, mobile devices, or anywhere the worker can connect to the internet.

While online learning isn’t necessarily new, that doesn’t mean the landscape isn’t changing. With that in mind, here are the top three online learning industry trends that need to be on your radar.

1. Microlearning

Microlearning has emerged as a favored approach, particularly among Millennials and younger workers. Larger lessons are broken down into bite-sized chunks, with each micromodule being focused on a very specific point or topic.

Since the modules are small, learning can be integrated into even the tightest of schedules with greater ease. By making each lesson only a few minutes in length, the employee can go over each topic whenever they can squeeze it in, making training more accessible and less disruptive to their day-to-day.

Plus, this approach keeps your employees from becoming overwhelmed by the amount of information they receive. In today’s digital world, information is always coming at us. Without the ability to control the flow, digesting important details is incredibly challenging.

2. Just-in-Time Learning

The just-in-time approach to training is fairly new. It involves delivering a lesson right before the information is needed to complete a specific task, allowing an employee to put it to use immediately. This is a pretty dramatic departure from older methods where information is delivered regardless of whether it is actually needed at the moment.

Essentially, just-in-time learning focuses on immediate functionality. For example, creating a video library filled with clips that explain individual concepts or the function of a specific tool could facilitate just-in-time learning. When an employee needs guidance, they can head to the library, find the precise topic they need, go over the details, and accomplish that task successfully.

3. Employee Experience

Not long ago, companies gave little thought to how their employees felt about their training experience. It wasn’t about engagement. Instead, it was purely focused on delivery required information, even if the approach was dull or tedious.

Today, the employee experience is increasingly important. Workers expect the content to be engaging and relevant. If you fail to deliver, not only will you see lackluster results but you may also struggle with retention, as top performers aren’t going to stick with a company that can meet their training expectations.

Are You Looking to Hire L&D Professionals Who Can Help You Take Advantage of Emerging Trends?

At Clarity Consultants, we have over a quarter-century of experience in the L&D field, giving you the ability to locate the top talent you need for your company to thrive. If you are looking for L&D professionals who can help you make the most of online learning trends and advances, the team at Clarity Consultants can make it easier than ever to find your ideal candidates. Contact us to find out more about our unique services and see how our learning and development expertise can benefit you.

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