How to develop knowledge sharing in your organization?

The knowledge and the expertise of employees are one of the company's greatest assets.
How to develop knowledge sharing in your organization?

Also, the flow of knowledge in an organization is vital. The reward of knowledge sharing is worth the attention that many organizations are giving it nowadays. However, due to the saying, knowledge is power, workers hoard knowledge from other employers within an organization.

Although knowledge hoarding may sound spiteful, it is a common practice among employees in any organization. It is a detriment to the growth of any company because it causes problems among employees. Essentially, organizations always find a way to develop a knowledge-sharing mindset and solve knowledge hoarding among employees.

Here are several ways you can build knowledge sharing in your organization.

1.    Ease up on the competition

Healthy competition is an effective and proven way to improve an employee’s skills and engagement. However, too much competition can lead to knowledge hoarding among workers.

It can reduce collaboration among them and cause solo effort in the aim to outperform others. However, competitions among employees should not be stopped, and you should reward your workers for the extra effort.

Consider the following tips to ease up the competition.

  • Ensure that all employees understand the importance of knowledge sharing and how it can boost their knowledge retention and morale.
  • Create a way to reward knowledge sharing among them too.
  • Clarify the competition message. Make every learner understand the competition. How they can be competitive without hoarding knowledge

2.    Encourage and Foster the right mindset

Having the right mindset will make an employee want to help others to overcome challenges. And also willing to share from the wealth of knowledge. Make them understand that it is okay to feel happier whenever they share information with other colleagues. Also, it’s okay to show appreciation when others share knowledge. It also builds up love and respect among them.

Here are some of the tips that can encourage and Foster true knowledge sharing.

  • Model the behavior from the top to knowledge
  • Make the work and working environment fun and enjoyable. The more employee enjoy their work, the more they’ll want to share knowledge
  • Make knowledge sharing one of the company’s core values.
  • Celebrate employees with the standout knowledge-sharing role.

3.    Create space for knowledge sharing

Many traditional offices do not motivate knowledge sharing. They are either too open or spacious for effective collaboration. Employees may feel isolated in their office and therefore are unmotivated to share knowledge or learn from others.

For effective collaboration and knowledge sharing to occur, reduce the communication barriers between employees. Consider the following tips to reduce the communication barriers between your employees.

  • Create a platform by which knowledge sharing can take place. E.g., online forums and virtual events where remote workers can learn and share knowledge.
  • Create a conference room space that can accommodate all employees.
  • Create a private collaboration nook.
  • Create a common area where employees are encouraged to communicate.

4.    Lead by example

If you want a quick result, start today by leading by example. When you set rules, be the first to abide by them. By that, all other employees will have no excuse as to why they are doing otherwise. Senior stakeholders like the head of departments should do what they preach by being an example others can emulate.

Furthermore, the older colleagues should be open to learning from new colleagues too. It will help build confidence among them. Besides, assign senior officers as mentors for newly set new employees. By doing this, the knowledge-sharing culture continues.

5.    Have experts share their knowledge

Organize seminars and make organization experts create topics that can benefit other employees. For example, invite tech experts to talk about how they use technologies in the workplace. Medical experts speak about the importance of wearing safety equipment during work.

The main idea is to look at the current work situation and ask the experts to talk to them. This is a way to improve knowledge sharing across all departments in the organization. Besides, in a way to identify work issues, you must be open to listening to your workers because they are the ones feeling the heat.

6.    Build a knowledge library

Most knowledge sharing in some organizations occurs verbally between instructors to learners or employee to employee. However, to get an effective and easy flow of knowledge between old and new workers, you must build your knowledge library. Employees come and go.

And new employees can learn new skills from the library when employees leave. Furthermore, creating an online library can develop knowledge-sharing habits among employees.

Naveen Neelakandan

Naveen Neelakandan

Naveen is the chief executive officer at Wizcabin. He helps organizations to optimize their elearning strategy by balancing the cost and effectiveness factors.

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