Top 6 Content Marketing Trends for 2019

Content marketing is no longer a novelty, niche or side project. Increasingly, content marketing is now critical to overall marketing strategy. It’s 100 percent necessary to stay on top of content marketing trends to remain competitive in the marketplace. As content marketing continues its rapid evolution, these content marketing trends will be shaping the way companies create and audiences consume content in 2019.

Close-up of an eye with a colorful Google logo reflected in the iris.

1. Video

Since video first became a major player in content marketing trends in 2016, it has transformed how we communicate with consumers. In 2020, experts project that personalized video will be the next big trend. Nearly 3 out of 4 consumers say they will are likely to engage with personalized messages.

According to We Are Social’s Global Digital Report, half of U.S. Internet users view videos online every day. A 2020 Animoto report found that video ads were the primary way that consumers decide on purchases. Furthermore, experts only project video to continue rising in importance, predicting that video will account for 82 percent of all Internet traffic by 2021. Also, Aberdeen research notes that marketers who use video see revenue increases 49 percent faster than those who don’t.

So, if you aren’t already creating video content to capture this large market segment, it’s time to start producing both live and prerecorded videos. As video content necessitates a larger allocation of resources than other content, it could be worthwhile to attempt to collaborate with influencers or brand enthusiasts. Also, make sure that you are using various platforms for your video content to extend your reach. Don’t just post to YouTube and call it a day. Make sure you are also using Facebook, Snapchat and IGTV to name a few.

You can also recycle old video content with a fresh call to action and update content by rerecording old effective videos to reflect newer production standards and branding changes. With all your new and old video content, make sure it is mobile-friendly, engaging and unique.

Also, don’t neglect closed captioning. This not only makes your content more available for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, it also performs better overall. This is because an overarching trend toward watching videos without sound. Research shows that 85 percent of videos on Facebook are viewed with no sound. So, it’s notsurprise that Instapage found that captioned videos outperformed those without text by 16 percent. Furthermore, captions increased view time by 5 percent and video reactions by 17 percent.

2. Natural Voice Search

Gartner predicts that we’re moving into a world of predominantly screenless searches. Until recently, marketers have developed content with keyboard searches in mind. However, voice searches already comprise 20 percent of all mobile Google searches and are on the rise. One study found that 71 percent of 18 to 29-year-olds use voice assistants, while 39 percent of 44 to 53-year-olds use them. Furthermore, demand for voice-activated home assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home is skyrocketing. Amazon Echo alone could constitute $11 billion of Amazon’s revenue by 2020.

The way we talk is inherently different from the way we type. Consequently, content needs to start adapting toward natural language searchers. Rather than concentrating on keywords, this trend moves us toward focusing on answering questions in a way that reflects how we speak. This involves writing complete questions and answers in your content. Also, try to target longer, naturally phrased keywords and phrases.

3. Long-Form Content

Increasingly in recent years, content marketing trends have favored smaller, “bite-sized” content that is easily shared and digested. However, long-form content is experiencing a resurgence as search engines are rewarding lengthier posts with higher results rankings, and readers place more trust in lengthier content. Long-form content is generally more than 2,000 words. Recently, BuzzSumo analyzed more than 100 million articles and found that long-form content generally gets more social shares than short-form content. Furthermore, the likelihood of the content being shared increased with the length of the content.

Long-form content doesn’t entail just churning out as many words as possible about a given subject. The additional words should be necessary in providing thoughtful and important information that qualifies as a quality resource. Beyond gaining search engine and consumer favor, this content establishes your organization as a valid authority on the subject. Short-form content requires fewer resources. However, long-form content is showing that it’s worth the investment.

4. User-Generated Content

Sixty percent of people say that social media posts from family and friends have an impact on their consumer behavior, and 52 percent of consumers indicate that they post on social media about products they purchase as least once a month. This is because more than anything else, people trust other people. No matter how much you authentically engage your audience, your consumers are generally going to care more about their peers’ opinions more.

According to a Nielson report, 92 percent of people trust recommendations from people (even strangers) over companies. Furthermore, Twitter users demonstrate a 5.2 times increase in purchase intent from influencer promotional content over company promotional content.

Consequently, one of the most powerful content marketing trends this next year is going to be user-generated content. And, you have numerous options when it comes to harnessing the power of consumer experiences and testimonials – videos, blogs, and social media. Use them.

5. Authenticity

A recent Stackla study found that 86 percent of consumers say that authenticity determines brand support. What content marketing comes down to is fostering a deeper connection and understanding between consumers and your brand. People want to understand your business. Not just what you’re selling but what you’re about. PwC’s 2018 Global Consumer Insights Survey found that consumer trust in a brand is of paramount importance to the decision-making process for purchases. Furthermore, the 2017 Authentic Brand Study by Cohn & Wolfe found that consumers not only evaluate an organization’s authenticity when making purchasing decisions but that 91 percent of people are willing to reward a company with their business for authenticity. This means that every interaction counts and should contribute to your branding in a consistent and meaningful way.

6. Distribution

The best content in the world isn’t going to do you any good if no one is seeing it. Consequently, as both the online and offline competitive spaces gets more crowded, distribution is more important than ever in content marketing trends and critical to your overall marketing strategy.

Remaining abreast of social media trends is important. But social media is only one component of distribution. The same goes for email marketing. Organizations need start digging deeper to find unique ways to connect with their audiences. This could include speaking engagements, hosting events or providing hard copies of content with products. Find what works for your target demographic and make sure that your content is available along these distribution lines in a way that is easily accessible and digestible for your specific audience.

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