How To Craft A Sales Pitch For Your SEO Services

Crafting A Sales Pitch For Your SEO Services
Summary: In this article, you'll learn how to sell your SEO services proactively.

Crafting A Sales Pitch For Your SEO Services

In the digital marketing industry, closing a deal with an SEO client means doing a good amount of research about their business, getting them in front, and offering your SEO services to them. Because, let's be honest, in the real world great customers don't just walk up to you and ask you to provide your services to them.

There are two kinds of salespeople in this world. The one who waits for customers to come to them and responds to customer inquiries (referred to as "reactive") and the one who goes out and takes the initiative to bring in new clients (referred to as "proactive").

Now, picture this: While prospecting online, you see your potential client, who perfectly matches your ideal client profile. So, in this case, would you wait for them to call the shots, or would you rather take the initiative?

Of course, you'd take the initiative. Taking initiative means taking actions proactively (it means taking actions even before you're told or asked). And in sales, if you fail to be proactive, it could result in losing the best opportunity that was right in front of you knocking at the door.

This is why in this article, you'll learn how to sell your SEO services proactively. Let's start.

Example 1: Pitching Your SEO Services To A Zumba Studio (Wrong Approach)

You call up Mr. Mike and after a quick intro, you dive into your sales pitch with full confidence.

Salesperson: Hey Mike, I found your business through (name of the source), and I would like to discuss how our company's SEO services can benefit your business. So, would you be interested in hearing more?

Mr. Mike: Umm, no I don't think we need any SEO services.

Salesperson: Yeah but, you'll have a 20-50% boost in traffic and leads with our SEO services. Are you interested in that?

Mr. Mike: No, I don't think we're interested in that.

Salesperson: Yeah, but what if we help you increase your Return On Investment?

And just like that, the salesperson goes on and on with no clear strategy, with no understanding about where to go and what to do next. It's like throwing darts aimlessly.

Any successful cold calling script requires 3 things:

  • Doing your homework in regard to your client
  • A well-thought-out process
  • A level-headed attitude—because you'll hear "no" a lot.

How To Work For "Yes"

Kids are really good at getting the right information. We are all familiar with the fact that every 5-6 years old kid's favorite word is "why," right? They say it like a thousand times a day. That's called digging.

And that's exactly what you need to do—ask questions. If you've someone on the phone, you've to ask as many questions as you can. There's no limit, ask until you lead the conversation in the direction to where you can smoothly introduce your SEO solutions.

Example 2: Pitching Your SEO Services To A Zumba Studio (Right Approach)

You call up Mr. Mike and after a quick intro, you start the conversation like this:

Salesperson: Hey Mr. Mike, what is the biggest challenge that you are currently facing with your Zumba studio, especially while managing, members, revenue, marketing budget?

Now, whatever they tell you, it's going to be the highest-level thing because they'll never really get down to the root of what they really care about.

Mr. Mike: Well, members. It's a big deal figuring out the ways to increase the number of members.

Salesperson: Okay, so increasing the number of members for your business is the one big challenge for you right now.

Mr. Mike: Yes.

So is this the time to pitch your solution? No! Keep the conversation going.

Salesperson: Okay, so Mr. Mike, tell me how long have you been in the business and how many members have you gained up to now? And, is there anyone who runs it with you, or is it just you?

This question is really important for examining their growth rate and also for finding out if they're the owner. You want to do the sales pitch to the right decision-maker and not to the marketing manager.

Mr. Mike: Well, we've been in the business since 2019, have about 200+ members and yeah, I run the studio with one of my partners.

Boom! Another valuable piece of information. You just found out that there is one more decision-maker in the business and of course you want that other person in the same room because you don't want to sell to half of the decision-making team. So, again keep the conversation going.

Salesperson: Wow 200+ members, that's pretty amazing. So how did you manage to get all these members?

Now you'll get probably the most common answer.

Mr. Mike: By word of mouth.

Now after this answer comes the most important question you need in order to get the ball in your court.

Salesperson: Cool, that means you are really good at what you do. It's just right now, as you said, increasing the number of members for your business is your biggest challenge. So, have you done anything to help increase the number of members? Or, if not, are you considering anything that you think you should be doing?"

Now, you can expect two types of answers.

Mr. Mike: Yes, we are currently printing ads. Or No, we didn't do anything, but I think effective advertising would really help.

Now, this is the information that'll put you in a good position to offer your SEO solution. But again, instead of directly offering your SEO services, test them.

Salesperson: Okay Mr. Mike, so what if I told you that we have a better way to advertise the business that can drive far better results for you than printing ads? Because what you're looking for is exactly what we do. In fact, I would like to show you how can we help you with your problem. Would you be interested in hearing more?

Mr. Mike: Yes, that would be interesting.

Now, you have a clear target, and you are in a position where you can actually make the pitch, but again "No." That's not what you're going to do on this call because you can't really make a sale on a cold call, but you can make sure that whenever your client decides to implement SEO services you will be the first person that comes to their mind.

That's why you need to remember the point of your call is not to sell your service but actually to get an appointment so that you can educate them in person.

So go ahead and quickly set up an in-person meeting or a Zoom call meeting with the client so that you can get them in front and skyrocket your chances of closing the deal. In-person or Zoom meetings encourage you to share your strategy, explain it clearly, and respond honestly to questions. Direct communication with decision-makers enhances trust and future communication. And that is something that is really important because, in the end, customers buy from people they trust.

How To Give The Best SEO Sales Pitch Presentation

The sales pitch opens the door that will get your client to the SEO proposal. And to deliver the best SEO sales pitch presentation, the only thing you need to make sure is that your SEO pitch continues to focus on the client's problems rather than offering them a packaged method. Let's see how to get that done.

1. Customer Situation Analysis

This section of the SEO sales pitch will address the state of the current model. And this analysis can be presented with the help of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). You'll present everything working in their current plan, the problems and issues with their current approach, areas where they are strong and can help them grow, and the areas where they need to invest more time and effort (where their competitors are beating them). This will convince them that you understand their problem.

2. Propose A Solution

Directly state how your solutions will solve the problems and concerns found in the situation analysis. This way you can address the pain points that your service can relieve. You can tell them that by implementing your tactics they can improve their online exposure on multiple platforms throughout the web (i.e., search engines, local directories, social media, etc.). But while doing so, just remember that the sales pitch is all about giving the main idea and is not a declaration of details.

3. Don't Get Too Technical

The more technical you get, the more likely they'll be confused. When people are confused, they don't become customers. When pitching to customers, you simply tell them what they need and want to know. Trying to look smart by using complex words and technical language is not going to help you win the deal.

4. Don't Lose Sight Of The Goal

You've held this meeting to make sales, right? Of course. So why would you waste your time chit-chatting about random topics with your potential customer? So make sure you're keeping track of time and getting your message across as quickly as possible because people have a very short attention span. If you have spare time after that, you can discuss common interests with your prospect to create a connection, but this should be done only after you get your major points across and have the person on the hook.

5. Move Them To Action

And the final tip for a winning sales pitch is a clear Call-To-Action. Because, obviously, you can’t expect the buyers to move forward on their own. Tell them exactly what to do next to get your offer, what they can expect to happen, and how excited you are to be able to help them.


That's it! Now go ahead and create your best SEO sales pitch.

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