September 5, 2018
Problems with local interactive video on mobile
September 5, 2018
Problems with local interactive video on mobile
Newbie 15 posts
Followers: 10 people

I created this test file here to check out the new OverlaySlides functionality in CP2019. I used a local (“From your Computer”) .mp4 video and one YouTube video. On desktops everything works as expected. However, on mobile devices (I tested on 3 Android devices), the local video is no displayed; all I hear is the audio. The YouTube vid works fine on mobile. Has anyone else experienced this and, more importantly, how can this issue be fixed?

1 Comment
2018-09-06 06:43:20
2018-09-06 06:43:20


Can you please share the cptx file, for us to investigate more.Please send the cptx to:


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