January 25, 2019
Wireframe Podcast
January 25, 2019
Wireframe Podcast
I've been an eLearning designer and developer since 2005. In 2015 I started my own eLearning design company. I began creating Adobe Captivate video tutorials to help promote my business through my YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/captivateteacher. My intention with my YouTube videos was to attract attention from organizations looking for a skilled Captivate developer. This strategy proved successful as I've worked with clients worldwide, helping them build highly engaging eLearning solutions. In addition, my YouTube channel presented another benefit of attracting aspiring Captivate developers to seek me out as a teacher. I now offer online and onsite training on Adobe Captivate, teaching users the skills to build engaging and interactive learning.
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Wireframe Podcast

Wireframe Podcast

Here’s the trailer for the series.

Here are a couple of the standout episodes for me.

Good Design is Good Civics

Where the hosts discuss the City of Boston’s app for reporting problems through the use of an app and the challenges of producing an app that is intuitive and easy to use and understand.

Inclusivity is a Recipe for Good Design

In this episode, the hosts talk about closed captions and Xbox controllers and what they teach us about accessibility. I believe this is something we as eLearning designers need to think long and hard about and consider talking with the experts, the ones who need inclusive design.

Get all the shows here.

2019-01-30 02:49:53
2019-01-30 02:49:53

Thanks for the suggestion, Paul. I listened to the whole series.My favorite quote from the “Good Design is ” episode is from Marcel Danesi, University of Toronto. He says, “Simplicity is one of the first laws of communicative change.”

Todd Spargo
's comment
2019-01-30 19:20:48
2019-01-30 19:20:48
Todd Spargo
's comment

That’s a good one.

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