woman holding a laptop and statistics

Campaign Strategy: How To Build And Monitor Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns


Every business should have a well-designed social media marketing strategy, but the execution of a specific campaign demands a plan of its own. Why is that so? Well, social media campaigns always come with a highly specific purpose in mind – supporting a product launch, preparing fans for the new season, promoting a corporate event, and so on. In each case, you’ll need to apply a whole set of tools and tactics in order to craft a standout campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and other networks.

In this post, we will show you six practical ways to build and monitor your social media marketing campaigns. Let’s take a look!


1. Set the Right Goals Precisely


dart game hitting the bullseye


You don’t start a single campaign without thinking about the goals you would like to achieve. The main idea is to set the right objectives and to do it very precisely. Make sure to quantify the targeted achievements because it’s the only way to measure results eventually. The goal of a social media marketing campaign can be anything – raising brand awareness, strengthening customer loyalty, generating fresh leads, driving conversions, and many more. Your basic job is to set the target such as to achieve more than a thousand new page likes during the campaign. Jake Gardner, a social media marketer at the essay writing service, believes that most marketers should bear in mind the so-called SMART objectives:

Specific: These are the goals that you can define clearly

Measurable: Use numbers to quantify targets

Achievable: Avoid unrealistic goals that you know are impossible to achieve

Relevant: This one goes without saying, but the goal should be highly relevant to your business

Time-bound: A campaign is not supposed to last too long


2. Identify the Buyer Persona


Man with a shopping cart


The second step in the process is to identify the buyer persona. It will help you to understand the customers you are approaching, which means you can create more appropriate content for the target audience. You probably know the traits of the average buyer already, but this is usually not the person you are trying to reach out to with your campaign. For instance, your general audience might consist of high school boys, but this time you are promoting a new product designed for girls in particular.


What is it that you have to learn about your audience? These are the basic features:

Age, gender, and location

Average income and level of education

Personal interests, values, and beliefs

Marital or relationship status

Hobbies and leisure time activities


3. Narrow Down Your Channels




Another thing you need to know is that social media marketing campaigns don’t have to go too wide to achieve maximum productivity. On the contrary, you should narrow down your activities and concentrate on two or three social networks only. Although it may sound counterintuitive, the truth is that the most successful campaigns focus on specific social platforms in particular. How come? The answer is simple – your target audience cannot be active on all networks at the same time. On the contrary, they almost definitely spend time on one or two social networks.


You can check out a few reports on social media users’ demographics, but we strongly encourage you to do the homework and analyze your target audience separately. Quick research will show you their favorite channels and active periods, so take advantage of it to design better campaigns.


4. Create a Schedule of Activities




schedule of social media activities. Keep in mind, however, that this is a very important step because digital marketing campaigns demand full focus and lots of activities in a short timeframe. According to the report, Facebook users publish over 350 million photos daily, but the figure goes much higher when you add videos, stories, and textual posts to the equation. The same goes for other popular platforms such as Instagram or Twitter. What does it mean to you and your campaign?


It means you will have to publish at least a post or two daily, which demands precise scheduling. You can take care of it manually, but it’s much better to use a social media management tool to get the job done properly.


5. Use the Best Tools


tool case with media inside


Speaking of digital tools, we encourage you to make use of different platforms to handle your social media marketing activities. Here are some of our favorite options:

Social media management tools: Hootsuite, Buffer and Sprout Social

Textual content creation tools: Assignment Help and Online Assignment Help are some of the best essay writing services that you can use for content creation.

Visual content creation tools: Canva and Pixabay.

Content planning tools: CoSchedule and Google Calendar. There are many different content planning tools available to get you organized.

Video tools: mysimpleshow to create animated explainer videos.

There are many other options to consider in this field, but these are the ones we use in our daily activities. Of course, you should check out additional solutions single-handedly and find the tools that suit your style of work in particular.


6. Analyze Campaign Performance




The last tip on our list is, of course, to track results and analyze the performance of social media marketing campaigns. After all, you cannot understand the impact your campaign makes on target audiences if you don’t measure the results in real-time. The job is easy if you followed our first tip and set the right goals. In this case, all you have to do is to compare results with the key performance indicators.


Another solution is to let the program do everything on your behalf. Social media analytics tools automate the process and keep an eye on all aspects of the campaign autonomously, while you also get extensive data reports. Some of the finest social media analytics platforms include:



Agora Pulse




Social media campaigns are not exactly rocket science, but you do need to prepare an entire set of deliverables and activities to ensure effortless execution. In this article, we discussed six practical ways to build and monitor your social media marketing campaigns.

Have you already testes any of these techniques? Feel free to share your social media campaign experiences in comments – our readers would love to see it!


About the author Michael Gorman:


Michael Gorman is a digital marketer and an essay writer at the assignment help UK. As one of the professional paper writers at dissertation writing service, Michael specializes in academic content creation, but he is no stranger to other topics such as self-branding and personal productivity. Michael is the father of two kids and a dedicated long-distance runner.