May 18, 2019
Improving image quality in captivate
May 18, 2019
Improving image quality in captivate
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


Can you help me? I am trying to better the image quality in Captivate 2019.

I have used the preference/project setting to increase image quality to high. I have experimented with jpeg and png files, but honestly it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference.

Anyone able to make a suggestion?
Thanks very much!

2019-11-05 02:48:55
2019-11-05 02:48:55

I have followed every piece of advice I can find about image quality anywhere on the internet.  I am importing super crisp .bmp images into Captivate, sized to the exact size of my course, and when it is viewed in the course, it is SUPER blurry.  My client is not willing to accept the course with this quality issue -and I’m at my wits end.  I’ve tried .svg as well.  Why is the image quality so compromised by Captivate?

's comment
2019-11-05 09:07:39
2019-11-05 09:07:39
's comment

BMP is an old format, never use it myself. You told ‘every piece of advice’? Did you try SVGs?

2019-05-21 07:51:26
2019-05-21 07:51:26

High quality has effect o the slide quality, not on individual image files.

Best quality is gotten when you import bitmap images in exact the resolution you need them in Captivate, and if you watch the course in the resolution you used when creating it. Of course for responsive projects you always have rescaling. My recomendation in that case is to use vector-based images (SVG) whenever possible.


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