Sneak Peak at ASTD ICE Presentation

My presentation at ASTD ICE conference this year is titled “Three Mysterious Keys to Interactive Learning: Game-Thinking, Game-Elements, and Gamification.” It is on Wed, May 7 from 8:30 am – 9:45 am and is session W101 located in Ballroom A.

It will be in interactive story-based presentation using an audience polling system to cast the audience members in the role of Learning and Development Professional/Detective. The goal will be to solve the mystery of what makes engaging instruction via research-based clues and hints. I am using a detective or film noir approach focused only on the cynical approach aspect and sort of an anti-hero theme. I think it can be an interesting and interactive way to get across my key points about using game-thinking to motivate learners.

At this point, the presentation is not quite done but here are some sketches of what we are working on so far.

Introduction to the mystery.

Introduction to the mystery.

Meet "The Boss". Smartest person in the company.

Meet “The Boss”. Smartest person in the company.

She has a problem or mystery that needs to be solved.

She has a mystery that needs to be solved.

She came to the right guy.

She came to the right guy.

The detective work begins.

The detective work begins.

The presentation is still shaping up but basically, you will be competing against at least two other groups to correctly solve the mystery of creating engaging instruction. It will be a fun and interactive session and I hope to see you there.

The sketch art is being created by Vanessa Bailey and these are just preliminary drawings which will become full pieces of art as we get closer to the event. I really appreciate Vanessa’s help on this and the artwork is coming together nicely.

Posted in: Out and About, presentations

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Karl Kapp
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