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[WEBINAR] Docebo in the [Regional] Cloud

• 2 min read

Register for our upcoming webinar to uncover the performance and privacy benefits of Docebo in the regional cloud. 

Cloud-hosting enables e-learning platforms to allow users to access their content from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. However, learning in the cloud is also an incredibly effective way to eliminate bandwidth-related issues by supporting big data collection and analysis, and multimedia streams. It’s enabled a content-anywhere-anytime approach to learning, while connecting organizations with learners located around the world.

But, as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) organizations grow larger, cloud-hosting might not be enough to support their growing needs as global companies, from both a performance and privacy perspective. Growing SaaS businesses must consider their global footprint, particularly as it relates to the architecture of their systems, and those with a global presence must embrace a flexible IT design that keeps pace with their technology and its changing demands.

That’s why Docebo, as a SaaS provider that’s now home to 1,400 customers in 90 countries, has adopted a regional cloud approach, using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to ensure our platform delivers unmatched service, speed and security to all users of our platform, no matter where we are in the world.

There’s a number of reasons as to why a “one-data-center-fits-all” approach doesn’t work anymore to support a growing and global SaaS operation, while the benefits to a regional cloud method are as follows:

  • Improved scalability: Cloud servers can easily add more resources to their cluster to tackle heavy loads on the fly.
  • Minimized downtimes: Because there’s no single point of failure, if a server fails, it’s easy to connect another quickly.
  • Additional customization options: reputable cloud hosting providers enable users to customize their server clusters to specific needs.
  • Self-scalability and Redundancy: Allows Docebo to serve a user’s request from multiple web servers instead of a single server.
  • Disaster recovery: If both availability zones fail, Docebo performs a disaster recovery action to recover the situation and re-establish the service. Docebo recreates the described architecture in a new Amazon availability zone.

Regional cloud also enhances Docebo’s ability to protect our customers’ data and give those customers the mechanisms they need to meet regional regulatory data compliance requirements.

With a regional cloud-based model, Docebo has established the strong foundation necessary to serve our platform reliably, efficiently and securely to help our customers deploy their learning strategies and activities effectively in a way that empowers their learners – no matter where they are in the world. Register for our webinar on June 28th – a can’t miss presentation that will outline our approach to regional cloud hosting and it’s game-changing benefits for users of our platform.