April 29, 2019
On Demand Sample-Virginia Jack
April 29, 2019
On Demand Sample-Virginia Jack
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 2 people

Here is a sample eLearning project I created using Adobe Captivate 2017.

2019-05-02 15:29:46
2019-05-02 15:29:46

Nice Job! Thanks for sharing your work. 🙂

2019-04-30 14:43:56
2019-04-30 14:43:56

Great job. I look forward to seeing more from you.

2019-04-30 09:05:27
2019-04-30 09:05:27

Nicely designed! I have a couple of questions, if you allow?

It is a non-responsive project since you use rollovers which are not supported for mobile devices. How would you cope with that?

Do you use multistate objects for the click slides? Or do you use a group of text containers out of which you show the appropriate one?

You do disable a menu button after it has been used? Any reason why? Personally I prefer leaving it to the learner to revisit a section instead of disabling that possibility. Maybe because you are using a counter to track the clicks?  Do you know about the Visited state for interactive objects?

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