Monday, April 28, 2008

MZinga - Engaged in the conversation!

Okay, so the Orlando jet lag is worn off. You are back into your routine and it may feel like the excitement of AG|08 has worn off...

...or has it?

Go back too the page (Remember AG|08 Live!).

The message board was a little slow. No worries. The Twitter Channel picked up 34 followers which is about 32 more than I expected. The blog posts were great! I'm certain I missed a few and those of you feeling left out, I do apologize.

But the BIG new items I discovered were in the Flickr feed which picked up all Flickr images tagged ag08, or elearning guild.
MZINGA created a "set" of 20 images capturing their event experience. How cool is that! I did not get a chance to see the MZINGA booth, I was not able to attend their session, and I did not talk with any of the workers on site. No big deal, right? After all vendors don't expect to meet everyone or have a lasting impression...right? Why not?

mZinga is a social media company and they understand the power of the medium. While I did not meet Mzinga at the show, every time I go check out the PageFlakes page, I am reminded of mzinga because "BANG" there are the picks in the Flickr feed box. I never met these folks but I feel like I want to meet them and learn more just because they have entered the conversation and exposed themselves as real people, not sales people.

When I first thought of social web tools as part of the conference I thought ALL of our vendors would be the first to recognize the power of the medium as a marketing tool. I was scared that vendors would be the ONLY voices. Boy, was I wrong.

In fairness, maybe mzinga did not intend for these images to hit our pageflakes page. After all, they didn't even use the appropriate "ag08" tag. (wink, wink) However, the widget picks up images tagged "elearning guild" as well and so that's how they made it into the mix. But why DIDN'T more vendors expose themselves to the perfect opportunity to start lasting relationships with customers...or did they?

Did your company engage with AG|08 Live? Did you engage in stealth mode (as a person), or were you clearly representing your brand? I'd LOVE to know. I find this fascinating!

1 comment:

Matt Shandera said...


You should have stopped by, We had mints! As you might have been able to tell, Mzinga had a BLAST at AG08. We nearly always photograph ourselves at events. For one, it allows us to share the experience with our co-workers and it lets our clients know that A: we are human, and B: we do this "stuff", read social media, because we want to not because we have too. Glad you enjoyed the pictures!

- Matt (the guy that is posing like a bee)