Do you want to predict learners’ path?

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Imagine what it would be like to know about the lives of people over a period of 75 years!A complete picture of 724 men, whose lives have been tracked year after year! Unbelievable, isn’t it? But you will be surprised to note that their work, their home lives, their health and also the final view of how their lives have turned out to be are captured in a study…remember, it is still on and some of these people are nonagenarians, alive and breathing as much in real life as in the study!Factory workers, lawyers, brick layers, and doctors are some of the professional paths pursued by this set of individuals.

If that didn’t pique your curiosity enough…what if one of the participants had a glorious ascent that established him as the CEO of a country? Certainly attaining the coveted post of the President of the United States,making him the most powerful man on Earth, is an achievement worth knowing about, right? However, had it not been for technology and the digital wave that has impacted all corners of the globe, it would not have been possible to present, share,or transmit this unique information.

Do you want to predict learners pathThat’s what a rare Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest one perhaps ever done in human cycle, has done by tracking the lives led by 724 individuals divided into 2 groups.The first bunch was that of sophomores at Harvard College, who finished college during World War II. The second one consisted of a group of boys from Boston’s poorest neighborhoods (mostly tenement dwellers) – specifically chosen from some of the most troubled and disadvantaged families in 1930s Boston.

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These participants entered this unique effort while they were in their teens. Interviews were followed by medical exams. Thereafter, interviews of their parents were conducted at their homes. The involvement of several generations of researchers, timely leadership, and direction has led to the availability of data points that are extremely relevant and contextual.

Time to pause and reflect! As the subjects of the study grew, the technological evolution and the rapid pace of development have made it possible to present perspectives that matter in a globalized world. Today, the study encompasses more than 2,000 children of these people.If this is amazing, then can you think of the effect of a tracking mechanism in the zone of learning at workplace?

Consider replicating this exercise in short spurts of time at your workplace. Of course, not for 75 years! To begin with, say, 365 days…assume that you engage Origin, a learning solutions and services organization with a passion for creating innovative learning programs. Specialized in the area of offering a blend of effective and unique learning strategies, development methodologies and presentation techniques, Origin has created Konnect, a powerful product solution that can match the learning needs of today’s generation. Harnessing the power of collective intelligence, the product provides a context and a connection with learners that can predict their behavior, learning patterns and has the ability to assess the skill gaps arising from time to time. It is a new language medium that is establishing itself at the workplace!

Konnect, the next-generation learning platform, is an ideal forum for showcasing the collaborative and the informal nature of learning that happens at the workplace. With its inbuilt predictability feature, it is a platform for learning by choice and not by force. This advanced technology product solution leverages the social media effectively by allowing employees to learn and upgrade their skills anywhere and at any time! Liberated learning at work!

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So, if you are looking at improving productivity of a learner profile, which constantly adjusts to the latest digital bandwidth (Facebook, YouTube etc), then Konnect is a product that has tapped the power of social media from a learner engagement perspective.

So, what does the predictable feature of Konnect do?

  • Social Analytics: Our innovative reporting algorithm monitors a user’s informal activity in the system and assigns unique metrics to track how much a user has learnt “outside” the course. Something that is sure to drive competency and motivation to learn more. And more!
  • Admin & User Dashboards: Konnect provides separate admin and user dashboards. Admin functions include course creation, user management, and multi-user reporting. Your users will have access to front-end learning content, while you are the real driver in the seat!
  • Social Media Features: With Konnect, you’ll be able to upload, view, rate, and comment on images, videos, and courses, establishing a feedback system that can be used to edit and enhance the learning experience. The USP -your employees never knew learning could be so much fun.
  • Extensive API & Plugin Support: Konnect offers robust Application Program Interface support that enables integration with third-party software while providing a means to develop unique plugins for the system. Everything in place to make sure you can Konnect well!

Sounds interesting? Well, companies including a Fortune 100 are already using Konnect. So if you want a demo, walk-in to booth number 109 at ATD TechKnowledge 2016, Las Vegas (January 13 – 15) and walk-out with a whole new perspective of developing your staff, employees, and managers. Start Konnecting! Learn how the power of collective intelligence works!

Origin Konnect Offer


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