The What, Why and How of Empowerment: A Dialogue with Dianna Anderson and Ashley T Brundage

This dialogue has passed. Watch the video below for a recording of Dianna and Ashley’s conversation:


Through perseverance, reflection and relentless action, Ashley T Brundage learned how to empower herself by highlighting how her differences—including being a transgender woman—made meaningful, often unique differences for others. As the founder of Empowering Differences, and the author of a book by the same name, she codified what she learned into a process that teaches others how to leverage their own differences. She encourages people to use their own power and authority to empower themselves and others through intentional actions. Learn more about Ashley’s story and her unique perspective on empowerment as we discuss these questions and more:

  • Why does empowering differences in others begin with your own empowerment?
  • What specific strategies work best to support others’ differences in everyday situations?
  • How do we overcome our own concerns and limitations to be better allies for others?

About Ashley Brundage

Ashley Brundage is the founder, president and author of Empowering Differences. Incorporating the 10 key empowering actions covered within her book, she advanced her career from a part-time bank teller to a Vice President of the national diversity and inclusion team at a major financial services corporation in less than five years. She celebrated her authenticity and empowered herself—and is now hoping to help others do the same.

About Dianna Anderson

Dianna Anderson, MCC, is the CEO of Cylient, and the creator of Cylient’s unique approach for instilling Safe and Seen coaching cultures. The Coaching in the Moment® approach that Dianna created has enabled thousands of people, worldwide, to integrate coaching approaches into any conversation with anyone, at any time, in order to build connections and co-create new ways of thinking and working together.

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