A remote work setting has its own set of requirements and rules. Most people working in a remote setting meet those requirements, but workforce reskilling or upskilling makes things smoother and more efficient. Most organizations experience employee skill gaps to some degree. The corporate landscape is also evolving at a rapid pace. Therefore, the need to deliver custom training on employee upskilling and reskilling is hitting hard these days.

As per a report by Deloitte, 41% of executives say that developing their workforce through upskilling or reskilling is among their top priorities. Attaining new competencies can put your company in a better position to reap the maximum benefits in today’s changing economy. Upskilling and reskilling can be an added advantage for the remote workforce to propel their business and reach new heights of success.

Why do You Need Workforce Upskilling and Reskilling?

Workforce upskilling and reskilling is a significant aspect of today’s remote work environment. During unprecedented times, many remote employees had to hone their skills on the fly. Organizations had to grapple with challenges due to technological shifts and the changing global economic outlook. As per the Workplace Learning Report 2022, 59% of L&D professionals rated upskilling and reskilling remote workforces as a top priority for the coming year. Moving to a remote work environment means your employees must be equipped with different competencies. Therefore, companies and their L&D talent are opting for ways to close the skill gaps of existing employees to stay productive and competitive. Key reasons to reskill/upskill your remote employees are-

  • Engage & Retain the Best Talent

Retaining top-performing employees is an utmost factor that drives business growth and productivity. Upskilling and reskilling also create ample career growth opportunities, making employees feel engaged and valued. As a result, this boosts retention levels by supporting employees to develop new skills, grow their career paths, and unlock business success.

  • Better Alignment towards Meeting Goals

When employees learn new skills, they get abreast of the latest technological developments and market trends. With a complete understanding of the current scenario, employees become more proficient and aligned toward achieving the desired goals.

  • Increase in Productivity

Digital innovations have impacted almost every industry, exacerbating competency gaps and affecting business growth. Most organizations have realized that workforce upskilling and reskilling is the major driver to boost productivity. As per the Global CEO survey, 93% of CEOs who introduce upskilling programs witness higher productivity and a more resilient workforce. Carving out effort and time for the remote workforce to develop new skills helps them perform better, progress in their career paths, and ultimately boost productivity.

  • Foster Continuous Learning Culture

Employee upskilling programs consistently focus on improving employees’ soft skills, such as communication, innovation, and agility. Organizations embrace a continuous learning culture, so employees feel motivated and skilled enough to contribute to business success.


No market or company can avert transformations. They must be prepared; this is where the need for upskilling and reskilling comes into the picture. Organizations leveraging the idea of remote workforce upskilling and reskilling have realized the outcomes, including enhanced productivity, greater innovations, improved retention, and more.

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