Get your Hot News! It’s better than the Penny Press

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  • When looking for sales training content – you want a vendor that either – this is all they do – i.e. sales training content, whatever it might be, OR the vendor has sales training content which is constantly updated, tweaked, modified, and added. I mean there were days when Zig Ziglar was the king of content, and the main person for everything sales. I think he is dead – let me check. Yep, dead. So, he isn’t making any more content. Anyway, his books still are really popular and there are a lot of sales folks who know who he is. The challenge is whether or not his content is still applicable today? Probably in some cases. The other challenge is how to find it, if you want it? Good news – it is on his web site. But if you want it, can you get it on your platform?
  • Ask to speak to the person who oversees business development or partnerships. The title may vary. Think of this person as the “bridge.” Sell them on the benefit of having their content stored on your system.
  • Ask to speak to the person who oversees sales. Their goal is to make money for the company – to boost sales, to land constant ARR – expand even – and they achieve this by making customers happy. An NPS – many vendors now taut as verification of their success – relies on a critical item called Promoter. This is the one they want. Someone who will rave about them. Tell others. When you see NPS scores, they always note their Promotor. The benefit, then, is to get a Promoter. You should say that if we can make this deal, you will have someone who will tell others about your content and your company and recommend them to anyone you know or see who needs sales content.
  • Updating the courses/content, adding new ones that are relevant today, and removing outdated ones; the onus is on the publisher in the aggregator. Sure, the aggregator may reach out to the publisher to do this or that, but there is only so much you can do.
  • You may never find the publisher with the best sales courses in an aggregator – Why? Aggregators bring together lots of publishers. As a client, you pick in this case, “sales courses” and whichever ones you want – if you want to build a bundle. Or you get the entire course library – which sure, lots of courses, but you have to monitor the usage – and ask the aggregator to provide you with some data (which a lot of folks – i.e. the folks running L&D or Training or HR or whatever department is overseeing this) for such data. If you run sales, and thus sales training is under you, how much time will you focus on requesting this data from an aggregator and knowing how often the publisher on the aggregator is updating or adding? Surprise you don’t.
  • Thought Industries – Has a nice list of clients using their system for sales training
  • Eurekos – Strong list of clients using their system for sales training. For those who believe a company in Denmark is a factor to hold back, they do have clients in the states using their system for sales training – including two well-known companies.

Always Be Closing

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