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How to Enhance Your Research Paper with a Comprehensive English Language Check?

Nov, 24 2023 | Publishing Automation
Sureshkumar Parandhaman

AVP – Publishing Solutions

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While you might aspire to be published in the global leading journals to gain widespread recognition, renowned journals have stringent research and language quality criteria for manuscript acceptance. Moreover, with increased automation of initial manuscript quality checks, the criteria for acceptance have become immensely restrictive. Even minor errors could result in rejections, leaving authors disappointed and frustrated.

The most effective way to minimize the risk of rejection and ensure high-quality research papers is to embrace the latest technology solutions, such as natural language processing-based language quality assessment tools. 

The Significance of Language in Research Papers

Language is a key determinant of the accuracy of the communication of intent and findings of the research. The more famous a journal, the more crucial is the language quality to its reputation and positioning in the market. Moreover, clear, concise, and error-free language enhances the credibility and readability of research. Therefore, ensuring high-quality language is a significant aspect of assessing the submission-readiness of a research paper.

The University of Washington lists 6 key characteristics of good language: 

1. Concrete and specific, rather than vague or ambiguous

2. Concise, rather than verbose 

3. Familiar, instead of obscure 

4. Precise and clear, ensuring there are no inaccuracies or ambiguity 

5. Constructive, rather than destructive 

6. “Appropriately formal.”  

NLP-Powered Language Checking Tools 

Manually checking language quality, accuracy, readability, and compliance can be daunting for researchers, especially those non-native English speakers. Plus, authors would rather spend time on the appropriate dissemination of knowledge and research findings. Embracing technology can significantly expedite quality assessment and help improve language. Integrating language-checking tools within the authoring process can ensure high-quality manuscript development right from the start. Some essential steps to ensuring the submission-readiness of a manuscript are: 

Structural Quality Review 

Before focusing on language, assessing the content flow and structure of the research paper is essential. Modern tools help authors organize the content logically and make sure that no connections between the research premise and conclusion are missed. Well-organized content sets the foundation for a high-quality research paper. 

Comprehensive Language Checks 

Once content organization is complete, language checks are more effective. Large language model-based language assessment tools are trained to assess grammar, vocabulary, writing conventions, and coherence in style. They offer syntax, punctuation, grammatical, and spelling improvement suggestions to improve content quality. 

Bridging the Proofreading and Editing Gap 

While editing is a more in-depth process to check that the intent is properly conveyed and that the facts are stated precisely, proofreading is more of a superficial process of discovering writing inconsistencies, capitalization errors, and punctuation mistakes. NLP-powered tools bridge this gap and reduce reruns between the two processes. Proofreading can be completely automated with the help of language assessment tools, but editing requires manual guidance to effectively assess manuscript quality. 

NLP-Powered Tools Offer More Benefits 

Enhanced Self-Checks 

For authors who publish for themselves, AI-powered language assessment and editing are a boon. Technology tools designed to support research writing help check grammar and writing style, while ensuring that authors meet journal guidelines. They identify common language issues, such as passive voice, wordiness, inappropriate jargon, and culturally offensive colloquialisms based on reader demographic. 

These tools also suggest language improvements and help authors submit high-quality research papers. Authors can also collaborate with other creators to get their content peer-reviewed for an additional quality check level. 

Improved Visibility 

Precise and clear language is considered more trustworthy by search engines. Thus, language quality is not only critical to getting published by reputed journals but also to enhancing the discoverability of the paper. 

Ensure Submission-Readiness and Discoverability with NLP 

Concise and unambiguous language is a precursor to improved publication probability and visibility in the academic community. High quality publication enhances the impact of research on the community, facilitating its acceptance.

NLP-powered tools streamline content structure and language quality assessment. Automation helps reduce manual effort while eliminating human errors and improving the clarity of writing. These tools provide advanced language analysis capabilities to authors for self-analysis. NLP-enhanced language refinement can significantly elevate submission quality of manuscripts, thus improving the chances of publication.

Schedule a call with the experts at Integra to learn more.

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