Discerning Patterns as a Leadership Skill (Episode 12 of “How Do I Lead Now?”)

In Episode 12 of “How Do I Lead Now?” Cylient CEO Dianna Anderson shares ways for discerning patterns as a leadership skill.

Why Discerning Patterns is Important

As we’ve talked about in past episodes, traditional leadership styles are founded on the practice that leaders can get control of an issue by figuring out what the problem is and fixing it. However, with systems and patterns, it’s more important to understand how different parts connect to find what will make the most meaningful change.

How somebody shows up and behaves is a pattern influenced by the choices they make and their assumptions and beliefs about how the world works. When we want someone to make a change in their behavior, we need to recognize and hone in on that pattern.

Where to Start

If you’re not sure where or how to begin discerning patterns as a leadership skill, one way to begin is by recognizing the systems and patterns within systemic racism. Dianna Anderson is reading a book now called, “Waking Up White,” where the author shares her personal experiences with changing her thinking to recognize the patterns of systemic racism all around her.

Reflection Questions

Watch the video to understand how to use patterns while you’re leading. Then, reflect on the following:

  • How are patterns playing out around you?
  • How can you deepen your skills and capabilities around discerning patterns?

Comment below with your reflections, insights, observations or questions, and Dianna will respond to them.

Other Episodes of “How Do I Lead Now?”

Watch other episodes with the links below.

  • Episode 1: The difference between traditional leadership approaches and coaching-based leadership
  • Episode 2: What kind of leader do I need to be now?
  • Episode 3: How to meet people where they are
  • Episode 4: How to coach someone through fear
  • Episode 5: How to make friends with fear
  • Episode 6: Why the questions we ask and answer for ourselves really matter
  • Episode 7: Why intentions work better than goals now
  • Episode 8: Understanding and appreciating worldviews
  • Episode 9: What to say when you don’t know what to say
  • Episode 10: Using traditional and coaching-based leadership together
  • Episode 11: How to coach people to build confidence
  • Episode 12: Discerning patterns as a leadership skill
  • Episode 13: How to create change in complex situations
  • Episode 14: The problem with perfection

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