Engaging learners has been a challenge L&D professional have faced for quite some time. There are often distractions, barriers to access, and busy schedules. However, now that a significant part of the workforce is working remotely, many of the more traditional training methods are no longer the effective tools they once were. This has left many organizations wondering what online training delivery methods are available and how they can be used to engage learners.
In this blog post, we will share with you three different categories of online training delivery and break down how each can be used to engage modern learners.

Virtual Training Methods
What are virtual training methods? Virtual training methods include training formats that are hosted in a virtual environment. They are typically designed to function as a more traditional classroom without the boundaries of location.

  • Virtual Instructor-Led Training
    Virtual instructor-led training is just as it sounds. This is when an instructor-led training session is held in an online format. This is a highly interactive and engaging training delivery method that allows the instructor to interact with learners.
    VILT is a useful training delivery method for groups. It is also a good way to teach topics that would be taught in a face-to-face classroom training environment. For example, soft skills training is a suitable VILT training topic as the format allows for discussion.
  • Virtual Mentorship Programs
    Virtual mentorship programs are growing in popularity. They are well suited for training purposes such as new employee onboarding or leadership training. This format tends to be highly engaging due to its interactive nature. Virtual mentoring occurs in an online learning environment and are either held in one-on-one sessions or in small groups.
  • Webinars
    Webinars are an effective web-based training method that is commonly used to instruct large groups. Although webinars do not allow for as much interaction as VILT, they have the advantage of being recorded. This enables employees with scheduling conflicts to watch the video when they are able.

Experiential Training Methods
What is experiential learning? Experiential learning is described as the process of learning by doing or through experience. These types of training aim to give learners opportunities to practice the skills they learn.

  • Simulations and Scenario-Based Learning
    This format is when learning content is placed into a series of computer-based scenarios. The scenarios model real-life situations where employees would use the skills they are learning.
    Learners work through each scenario by selecting different choices to reach the desired outcome. This format is engaging because it uses storytelling to build context around each subject. This format also promotes practice, critical thinking, and interaction.
  • Interactive Video-Based Learning
    It should be no surprise that video-based training sessions are highly engaging. This is a format that most modern learners are already quite familiar with. The most engaging video-based training programs are short in length and include interactive activities.

Immersive Training Methods
What is immersive learning? Immersive learning is a training delivery method where a simulated or an artificial environment is used to immerse learners in the experience.

  • Augmented Reality (AR Training)
    This immersive training method is where computer-generated content is used to add information and training in a real-life scenario. An example would be augmented visuals used on a tablet to walk an employee through more technical tasks.

  • Virtual Reality
    VR training is when a headset is used to create an interactive life-like environment where participants can learn through scenarios. This type of training delivery is highly engaging and often used to remove risk factors and real-life consequences. For example, VR has been used to train firefighters without the risks associated with training in a real-life environment.
  • Mixed Reality
    Mixed reality training is when a combination of both AR and VR is used to create an immersive learning experience. This form of training helps employees learn by building context and adding information to help learners work through scenarios.

Final Note
Online learning opportunities are no longer just an option; they are becoming the primary form of training for many modern organizations today. Selecting the right training delivery method can make all the difference and help you boost employee engagement.
Learn more about online training and watch the webinar replay of Navigating Through Learning With an Online Only Approach.

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