Organizations are racing to adopt a comprehensive learning and development strategy to optimize remote employee training efforts. Microlearning is the most proficient way of consuming the learning content daily and training on specific skills. It helps implement a continuous learning culture within an organization.

Also, the millennial generation wants real-time, relevant information in rich media formats that can be used immediately and anywhere. Microlearning prevents learners from undergoing long courses and spending hours learning new things. It uses creative and innovative ways to make it easier for learners to understand and use the knowledge or skills at their jobs.


The era of microlearning is here and will continue to be for some time. The question is how learning leaders can build a microlearning training strategy that affordably supports remote employees’ immediate needs in 2024.

Ways to Establish Continuous Learning Culture for Remote Employees with Microlearning

According to a Training Trends Report 2022, 25% of leaders highlighted microlearning as the approach that worked best in their organizations. Microlearning can be a game changer; here is how organizations can leverage it.

Engage Learners by Using A Variety of Content

Microlearning courses are usually 10 minutes long, and creating high engagement in this time frame is imperative for learning leaders. There are several strategies to create intriguing content quickly. One way is to use gamification and interactive elements. Another way is to use visuals, audio, and video to help learners engage with the learning content.

Add Scenario-based Learning for Better Real-world Understanding

Scenario-based learning (SBL) uses real-life scenarios created with digital media to give context to the training. The benefit of scenario-based learning is that it allows learners to practice skills in an environment that closely resembles what they will encounter in real life. SBL and microlearning have become popular because it increases learner engagement and retention by making training programs interesting and providing hands-on practice.

Choose Mobile Customization for Seamless Learning

It is common for professionals working remotely to rely on their mobile phones and other devices rather than laptops and desktops. Learning leaders must ensure that the training resources produced are mobile device compatible. This enhances the adaptability of training sessions and enables employees to receive training on the go.

As per ATD’s prediction, mobile learning is expected to emerge as the preferred mode for microlearning by 2025.

Integration with Collaboration Platforms

Employees can interact and work with their peers more effectively via collaborative platforms. In such cases, employees may get training on the same platform used for work. This makes it much simpler for learners to use the abilities they have picked up via microlearning. The platform’s corporate knowledge base may be coupled with all the essential training materials, allowing staff members to self-train from their own accounts.

Utilize AI to Enhance Training Sessions

AI and machine learning enable organizations to evaluate massive amounts of data and draw meaningful insights. Maximizing the use of AI in training sessions is essential for optimizing its effectiveness. The digital training platform can personalize training for each employee by identifying their talents, limitations, and preferences thanks to AI components.


Over the past several years, organizations throughout the globe have seen significant transformations. From remote working to increasing skill gaps, the L&D team has offered the necessary support for employees to adjust to the alterations. Microlearning allows learners to get trained with higher flexibility and more engagement, and to take training sessions at their own pace. In addition, the short bursts prevent training programs from clashing with the learner’s/employees’ daily schedules. It’s a smart strategy for boosting productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

The strategies mentioned above are some of the most significant techniques by which learning leaders can leverage microlearning to improve training programs for remote employees.

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