5 High Paying Jobs You Can Get with a Bachelor’s Degree

You might think high paying jobs all require a master’s degree and at least a decade of experience, but that’s just not true. Turns out you don’t need to spend years—and a bank full of money—on law or medical school to land high paying jobs. In fact, some of the best-paid jobs in the United States require just a bachelor’s degree.

Find your dream job on this list of five high paying jobs that come close to or hit six figures. All the salaries listed below are median averages from 2017, compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Group of graduates in caps and gowns celebrating, throwing their graduation caps in the air, symbolizing achievement and success.

Physical Scientist $103,990

Have an innate love of the scientific method? Or even just the way you look in a lab coat surrounded by beakers? This could be the path for you! Physical scientists specialize in disciplines that don’t deal with living creatures but focus instead on physical properties and energy.

While the big subjects from your school days might immediately spring to mind (physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology), don’t sleep on rising fields like nanotechnology, climatology, or computer science. There’s a whole list of focus areas waiting for further exploration.

Medical and Health Services Manager $98,350

As baby boomers age, job growth in the healthcare field continues to boom at a much faster rate than the rest of the market. One of the highest paying jobs in the arena is medical and health services manager (sometimes referred to as healthcare executives or healthcare administrators).

These professionals are responsible for planning and overseeing all medical and health services for either an organization, a facility, a specific clinical area or a department. They might also manage a medical practice for a group of doctors.

Marketing Manager $132,230

While you’ll need to work your way up in a marketing department or agency, with about five years of experience you could be the message master helping a company talk to its current and potential customers. From billboards to radio to newspaper and the ever-expanding world of digital promotion, marketing managers oversee a wide variety of channels and creative professionals, including copywriters, graphic designers, and web developers.

Computer and Information Systems Manager $139,220

This job requires a few years of experience in the field before you’ll reach the manager title. But once you do, you’ll be in charge of an organization’s information technology strategy. From arming employees with tablets to setting up cloud-based file storage, the digital future Is yours to shape.

Personal Financial Advisor $90,640

Life expectancy is on the rise around the globe, and experts predict demand for financial planning services to grow in kind—15 percent from 2016 to 2026.

So, if you’re a budget master, you might want to consider this role, which helps individuals take stock of their financial situation and make investment decisions to meet long- and short-term financial goals (like retirement). Financial advisors also counsel clients on tax and insurance issues.

Get Your Dream Job

One of these areas tickle your fancy? Visit KnowledgeCity for all the tips and insights you need to hit the ground running in the job market and find high paying jobs in your chosen field.

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