Ongoing efforts to continually upgrade the skills of your workforce and implement effective learning and development strategies remain paramount for the success of any organization in 2024. However, not every organization in today’s rapidly evolving landscape can allocate the time, resources, and expertise to develop, deploy, and manage comprehensive training programs. This is where the role of external training partners called Managed Learning Services (MLS) providers becomes critical, facilitating the establishment of a robust learning environment for an organization.

According to TMR’s market research study, the MLS market is projected to spearhead market growth, reaching a valuation of US$ 624.1 billion by 2031. These outsourced services will span training delivery, learning consultancy, curriculum design and development, and consequential services.

Role of Managed Learning Services

The inadequacy of generic, one-size-fits-all training programs is more pressing than ever. Each organization possesses its own unique culture, industry-specific challenges, and distinctive workforce demographics. No wonder so many organizations grapple with the complexities of creating comprehensive training content for their employees. While providing fundamental information is simple enough, many organizations lack the capacity and resources to delve deeply into topics relevant to their employees’ unique learning needs.

For example, a bank conducting training on responding to attempted robberies might traditionally use a generic scenario, such as bringing in a police officer to discuss protocol during a robbery. A more comprehensive and technologically advanced approach can be adopted through managed learning services providers to design customized training programs to address and prevent robberies.

Employees can engage in cutting-edge eLearning courses featuring interactive quizzes, enhancing their ability to recognize crucial details about potential robbers and providing valuable information to law enforcement. This exemplifies how traditional training methods continually evolve and enrich, particularly through the targeted application of advanced eLearning and the extensive outsourcing of training programs.

On-the-Go Learning Excellence: Customizing Training with MLS Providers

Employee training and development, the most outsourced aspect of the L&D function, offers access to specialized experts and advanced technologies like virtual reality and simulation through outsourcing. This flexible approach allows the scaling of resources without long-term commitments, providing reasons to consider managed learning services for improved scalability and speed to market.

1. Improving Access to Specialized Talent – No company possesses all the necessary internal knowledge for the success of training initiatives. A managed learning service provider can bring in skilled consultants when specific expertise is required, ensuring the delivery of a new training course or the development of internal capabilities.

2. Recognizing the Non-Core Nature of Training – For many companies, training is essential but not central to their core business. Leveraging MLS providers primarily focusing on training enables companies to direct their attention to core objectives while ensuring effective training delivery.

3. Enhancing Scalability with External Resources – Internal training departments require a diverse skill set, but training needs vary. Employing a managed learning service provider allows companies to adapt their training initiatives dynamically, allocating resources flexibly to scale up or down as needed.

4. Reducing Costs Strategically – The primary motivation behind outsourcing training is cost savings. Efficient training management is always tied to cost management, making it a common thread among various training outsourcing considerations.

5. Recognizing the Potential Revenue in Training – Companies increasingly realize that training is more than just an expenditure; it represents a potential revenue stream featuring valuable intellectual property. Numerous training and development providers have successfully transformed their training programs into lucrative ventures to harness these advantages.

6. Improving Geographic Reach and Consistency – Managed learning service providers enhance the delivery of training materials by ensuring consistent localization and translation regardless of location. This helps companies maintain a standardized approach globally.

7. Mitigating Risk Through Expertise – Specialized managed training providers help reduce the risk of failures and liabilities. Failure to provide timely training can lead to legal consequences in system failures or unprecedented situations. MLS training specialists are adept at preventing such risks and unnecessary costs.

8. Leveraging Technology Cost-Effectively – When establishing a training organization, investing in a training material creation tool is often more cost-effective than developing materials from scratch. Managed learning services providers can facilitate this acquisition as part of a comprehensive package.

Considerations and Challenges of Customized Learning with a Managed Learning Services Provider

As per the 2023 Workplace Learning Report by LinkedIn, key areas of emphasis for L&D teams in the current year encompassed aligning learning programs with business goals, elevating employee skills through upskilling initiatives, cultivating a culture of perpetual learning, and enhancing employee retention. With the ongoing influence of AI, digital disruption, and other cutting-edge technologies, 2024 appears to follow a similar trajectory.

Customized learning experiences with MLS providers bring numerous advantages; however, organizations should be aware of potential challenges.

1. Content Development Time

Allocating sufficient time for training content development, particularly in the initial stages, is crucial. Organizations need to plan strategically to prevent any setbacks in implementing training programs.

2. Resource Allocation

Creating customized content may demand additional resources, such as subject matter experts, designers, and the necessary technological infrastructure. Proper resource allocation is vital for successful implementation.

3. Consistency

Finding the right balance between customization and consistency across various training modules poses a challenge. Maintaining this balance is crucial to uphold the training programs’ overall quality.

4. Measuring ROI

Effectively measuring the return on investment for customized training programs can be intricate. Establishing clear metrics and implementing robust evaluation processes is essential to assess the impact and value of the training initiatives accurately.


Is your workforce struggling to keep pace with the demands of new product launches or evolving compliance regulations? Are budgetary constraints hindering your ability to invest in specialized training? MLS providers offer a strategic solution. You can access top-tier training without exceeding your budget by leveraging their expertise and network of qualified professionals. Training and development services developed by an MLS provider ensure that:

Training is relevant: Content and delivery methods align with your business goals, employee roles, and skill gaps.

Engagement is high: Learning experiences are personalized interactive, and cater to different learning styles, leading to higher completion rates and knowledge retention.

ROI is maximized: Tangible results provide evidence of training’s effect on employee performance and its contribution to business outcomes.

Investing in employee development through MLS providers isn’t merely a customization effort; it’s a strategic move that seemlessly aligns organizations for success in the dynamic business landscape.

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