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An Introduction to the Enterprise Quiz Builder From ProProfs

Enterprise Quiz Builder

When we released the enterprise version of our flagship assessment tool ProProfs Quiz Maker our aim was to provide enterprises a high-performance assessment platform.

At ProProfs, we believe every organization has its specific skills testing, training, and recruitment requirements. That’s why we developed the enterprise version of ProProfs Quiz Maker. Apart from being more secure, easy-to-use, and flexible, it offers unlimited quizzes, questions, and storage capacity – everything an enterprise could need.

This enables you to create, edit, and administer a large number of assessments tailored to your business’ needs.

No wonder then that today, ProProfs is the first choice of some of the world’s leading enterprises for learning, training, and recruitment purposes.

In this blog, we’ll talk about:

  • How does an enterprise quiz maker help meet business goals? 
  • What makes ProProfs an ideal enterprise quiz maker?
  • Enterprises that made the best of ProProfs Quiz Maker

What Is an Enterprise Quiz Maker and How Does It Help?

An online platform that allows businesses to create and administer quizzes to ensure they meet the overall business goals. It has features over and above the basic versions to be a more scalable tool that is designed to handle larger data sets.

enterprise quiz maker

In the following section, we’ll be looking at some of the reasons why your business needs to invest in an enterprise quiz maker.

How Does an Enterprise Quiz Maker Help Meet Business Goals?

When you start a business, no matter how big or small, there are certain goals you seek to achieve, such as:

And, these are the business solutions offered by an enterprise quiz generator that help achieve these goals:

  • Lead quizzes
  • Internal assessments
  • Pre-hiring value assessments

Let’s explore these solutions more:

1- Lead Quizzes- For Quality Lead Generation

A lead quiz is by far the most desired quiz solution mostly because quizzes are the most shared content on social media. People love taking quizzes and sharing their quiz results with their friends. So, a quiz gives you an opportunity to attract your audience’s attention, engage them and offer them to submit their contact information. Thus, making the process of lead generation a whole lot easier and faster. 

And you know what the best part is? You can integrate your lead quiz with major marketing automation tools like MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, and more. 

Creating lead quizzes is super-easy with ProProfs Quiz Maker.

How it helps:

  • Create a quiz in minutes using 100+ professionally designed quiz templates.
  • You can easily import questions in your quiz using the question library that offers 100,000+ ready-to-use questions across thousands of topics.
  • You can give your quizzes a touch of your branding with the white-labeling feature.
  •  You can easily gather quiz-takers’ information using a customizable lead form.
  • Also, you can create your own marketing funnel using a lead quiz.
  • Use advanced reports and analytics to gain useful insights. Get details like who took your quiz and when, their scores, performance and more

The image given below summarizes the overall use of an enterprise quiz in marketing.

Lead Quizzes

Read More:- How to Make a Lead Quiz Marketing Funnel

2- Skill Assessments- For Better Hiring

As a business grows, hiring top talent and mass hiring become important. And, conducting a pre-hire skill assessment test for your candidates is one way to ensure the highest level of accuracy when making hiring decisions. 

Using assessment tools with basic functionalities is simply not efficient for such needs. What’s required is a tool like the ProProfs Enterprise Quiz Builder that can provide a lot of options to customize, unlimited storage space for assessments and intelligent analytics to finetune your hiring efforts by giving you the right data in the right form.

How it helps:

Skill Assessments
  • The assessments are automatically graded, so you don’t have to worry about grading the assessments manually.
  • The assessment reports are auto-generated too. So, you can rest assured of the accuracy of the results and make the best hiring decisions.

John Baker, owner/founder of John Baker Sales, said they wanted to hire the people best fit for the job for which they started creating skill assessment tests using the ProProfs Quiz Maker.

Giving feedback, he said, “Using ProProfs online assessment software has made our hiring process so much more efficient. As the owner of the company, I can spend much more time on revenue-producing activities than in the past. The program is very easy to use.”

3- Training Assessments- For Improved Employee Efficiency

Only hiring the right candidates isn’t enough. To ensure improved efficiency, you need to train your employees from time-to-time and make sure they learn new skills and expand their knowledge that can be applied to the growth of your organization. Let’s have a look at the difference that an Enterprise Quiz Builder makes.

How it helps:

  • Create training programs on ProProfs Training Maker, and, assess your employees’ knowledge retention by creating assessments.
  • The Professional Assessment Library makes it easy to assess employees with different specializations.
  • Create unlimited instructor accounts, online classrooms, and learner groups.
  • Since these assessments are automatically graded, and the feedback is displayed instantly, it provides for a ‘self-assessment’ opportunity to the one attempting it.
  • Managers can use the detailed assessment reports to identify the knowledge gaps and then create further instructions to fill those knowledge gaps.

What Makes Proprofs an Ideal Enterprise Quiz Maker?

Even though there are many features that I can use to back my answer to this question, we’ll only focus on those that are most relevant. So, here you go:

Lead Forms

When you create a quiz and post it on your Facebook page, there’s a fair chance that not all who scroll past it will attempt it.

Suppose a hundred people take your quiz. Out of these hundred people, seventy could be your potential customers. But, how will you get them to submit their information?

Simple- you attach a lead form within your quiz.

Because if you don’t, your quiz takers will just share their results and move on to another digital pursuit, you’ll lose an opportunity to connect to your potential conversions.

At ProProfs, we let you customize your own lead capture form with fields that you require. 

A typical lead form appears something like this:

Lead Forms

Lead forms are a great way to capture your quiz takers’ contact information as you can customize the fields depending on what information you require from the participants.

Watch: How to Generate Leads With Lead Quizzes & Grow Your Business 10x

Integration with Marketing Automation Tools

Now, once you capture the information, we make sure that you don’t bother too much about building different mailing lists. This is made easy by lead quiz integration with marketing automation tools.

Integration with Marketing Automation Tools

Quizzes created with ProProfs can be easily integrated with popular marketing automation tools like the MailChimp, Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, and more. 

The integration of the two enables the automatic segmentation of the captured information to different mailing lists. For example, as and when someone takes your quiz, their info such as name, email, etc., will be recorded and segregated (based on quiz taker’s response) and saved in your MailChimp contact database automatically.

Explore all the Integrations available on ProProfs here.

Personalized Quiz Results

On social media, many people share quiz results to show off something about their personality or their knowledge about a topic.

This is very common with personality quizzes. Humans are curious beings and are naturally attracted to things that reveal something new about themselves. So, naturally, capitalizing on this human tendency is a great idea. 

Create personalized quiz results that people can proudly share and prompt others to try the quiz as well. 

For example, a few days ago, I took this Harry Potter quiz called “Sorting Hat Quiz: Which Hogwarts House Would You Be In?” and I got the following result.

Personalized Quiz Results

Being a Potterhead who aspires to be in the Gryffindor house, it was a thing of pride for me to get this result. Naturally, it didn’t even take me seconds to share this quiz on my Facebook profile and boast about it to my fellow Potterhead friends.

With ProProfs, you can easily customize quiz results that your quiz-takers will be excited to share like this. 

Personalized Quiz Results

You can classify results by grades and add different results based upon performance in the quiz. 

Here’s a tip: Include attention-grabbing visuals to make the results even more shareworthy. Remember- The ultimate goal is to draw more and more audience to your quiz. 

More shares = More leads

Learn: How to Customize Quiz Results

White Labeling

This is possibly the most crucial feature you’d require as your quiz might be the first point of interaction between you and your customers. So ultimately, brand continuity is very important. 

Imagine you’re hosting your quiz on your website, and it still doesn’t resonate with your brand.

Feels a little odd, ain’t it? 

You need to give your quiz a touch of your brand’s personality so that it looks like it’s coming from you. 

To enable this, ProProfs offer the white-label feature. Using this feature, you can:

  • Showcase your quiz as an authentic part of your website by removing “Powered by ProProfs”
  • Add your brand’s logo
  • Change the font, background theme, and more
  • Allow users to log into the quiz seamlessly through your website with SSO integration

Here is an image of a quiz created and embedded by a user with white label access:

White Labeling

Learn more about branding and customizing your quiz here.

Data Retention

As long as you remain a premium subscriber, you never lose any data. We store your quiz takers’ data, reports, and stats in a vault from which you can recover these at any point. You can even download the quiz data and store it locally at any point as well.

Feedback & Surveys

Easily gather your quiz-takers’ feedback by creating custom surveys and forms using Survey Maker that’s part of the enterprise quiz software.

GDPR Compliance

At ProProfs, we are committed to protecting your data and privacy. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is a set of security principles and protocols laid by the European Union to protect the data interests of European Citizens. With GDPR compliance in effect, every user has the right to access their data. Administrators can access their end-users data and help serve their users’ data rights.

Data Security

Your data security is our top priority. Our data is stored in the state-of-the-art computer servers hosted at a secure location constantly under CCTV surveillance. We maintain multiple power feeds, fiber links, dedicated generators, and battery backup. 

Also, our network is protected by an enterprise-class firewall, and all ProProfs plans include remote data backups to keep your data safe. We make sure that ProProfs product software and infrastructure is updated regularly with the latest security patches. 

Now, let me introduce you to a few of our global clients that used ProProfs Quiz Maker and shared their experiences with us.

Enterprises That Made the Best of Proprofs Quiz Maker

At ProProfs, we have evolved our quiz maker in such a way that many A- list enterprises have adopted it as a solution for their enterprise-related problems. Here are a few examples:

Acer– Training solution for new product releases


Acer’s search for an assessment tool that offered question banks and collaboration between trainers ended with ProProfs Quiz Maker. 

ProProfs, a collaborative tool that offers support and customization, helped Acer build a training system that includes online training, assessment, and certification for their new product releases.

Zoho– Remote quizzing simplified


Zoho used ProProfs to create and host quizzes that their attendees could take while being on their website. ProProfs Quiz Maker offered all the features they were looking for like- question banks, ease-of-use, simple UI, auto-generated reports, and more. Delighted with the tool, Zoho’s Senior Program Architect said that it helped them improve their overall productivity.

ThermoFisher–  Mass assessments managed


ThermoFisher successfully managed training and educating its global sales force with the help of online assessment created with ProProfs Quiz Maker.

“With ProProfs Quiz Maker, we didn’t have to hand-grade nearly 600 exams”, said Brenda Kesler, Business Development Manager, Thermo Fisher. Assessments were automatically graded, which helped them save hours of time while the auto-generated reports and statistics helped them identify knowledge gaps.

Interesting Read:- Best Typeform Alternative that You Need to Know About!

Enterprise Level Solutions For Success

The end goal is the growth and betterment of your enterprise, which is very well served by the enterprise quiz maker. Whether it is about hiring the right candidates, educating your employees, generating leads, or simply enriching your brand identity, quizzes go a long way. 

Go ahead, take a tour of the ProProf Quiz Maker, and explore all the quiz solutions available.

FREE. All Features. FOREVER!

Try our Forever FREE account with all premium features!

About the author

Angela White is a skilled Product Analyst with a focus on educational technology and online training. At ProProfs Quiz Maker, she uses her passion for ed-tech to create helpful articles that improve learning experiences. Angela's in-depth understanding of the dynamics of online examinations and certifications, combined with her commitment to creating engaging learning environments, positions her as a leading figure in shaping the future of online education.