40 Disability Inclusion Resources

Rainbow-colored paper cutouts of people with various disabilities
To kick off Disability Pride Month, I’m sharing 40 resources for learning about disability inclusion and accessibility.

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July is Disability Pride Month, intended to amplify the voices of people with disabilities as we work toward a more inclusive, accessible, and equitable world. As a person with disabilities, I’ll be writing about disability inclusion and accessibility throughout the month.

In this post, I’m sharing 40 resources for learning about disability inclusion. Following accessibility advocates and people with disabilities on social media has been very helpful for me to learn about viewpoints different from my own. Memoirs are another great way to learn from others’ perspectives. I hope these resources will be as helpful for you.

Disability Inclusion LinkedIn Accounts

Disability Inclusion Twitter Accounts

Disability Inclusion YouTube Channels

Disability Inclusion Organizations


This is definitely not a complete list. I encourage you to add your favorite people to follow, disability inclusion organizations, books, and other resources in the comments. Also please connect with or follow me on LinkedIn.

As a bonus resource, if you haven’t already seen the fabulous documentary, Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution, it’s definitely worth the watch! You can find it on Netflix.

Also see these related posts:

UPDATE: Here is an excellent Twitter thread from @lifeofablindgirl filled with many more disabled people to follow.

More To Explore


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