Topics To Cover In Your Cultural Transformation Training Course

Topics To Cover In Your Cultural Transformation Training Course
Summary: Developing a new cultural transformation training course helps everyone get behind your new company infrastructure and brand identity. The trick is choosing the right topics so that employees know what’s expected and how to re-align work practices, and how the change impacts their daily duties and job responsibilities.

What To Include In Your Next Cultural Transformation Training

You can’t include too much info in your new cultural transformation training course because there’s only so much information that an employee can process. Plus, they already have enough stress to contend with thanks to the corporate transition, which may involve new management, mergers, or company policies. So, which essentials should you cover in your strategy?

eBook Release: Time For Change: How To Launch A Successful Cultural Transformation Training Strategy For Your Enterprise
eBook Release
Time For Change: How To Launch A Successful Cultural Transformation Training Strategy For Your Enterprise
Discover how to continually evolve your brand with the right cultural transformation training strategy.

8 Topics To Address In Cultural Change Training

1. Brand Values

The new brand values and principles lay the foundation for cultural change in the workplace. However, you should also refresh staffers’ memory regarding current core values and how these are incorporated into your new strategy.

For example, you could emphasize that respecting diversity is still a crucial part of your corporate culture, which goes hand-in-hand with your new collaborative Show employees how these beliefs translate into real-world performance behaviors and habits.

2. New Task Protocols

If your cultural transformation involves new processes or tasks, employees need to know how to follow those new protocols. These are all the stages and common mistakes to avoid. Simulations are ideal because they allow staffers to learn from mistakes and improve their approach, especially if you pair it with demos or checklists that impart the essentials. For example, they review the list of steps and resources required, then participate in the simulation to put their knowledge into practice.

3. Leadership

Even if there aren’t any leadership changes involved, managers and supervisors may need to refresh their skills. Successful culture change training programs give them the opportunity to
assess their current strengths and weaknesses, then re-align to meet the new demands of your organization. Leadership courses also help you identify emerging talent and put them on the management fast track, such as staffers who possess niche skills or know-how that meshes with your new corporate culture.

4. Company Policies

This is another cultural change training topic that should blend the old with the new to provide a more comprehensive overview. What are the current policies in place and why are the new policies better for your organization? In other words, why should employees implement company policies in the workplace, beyond compliance repercussions? It’s also essential to highlight rules and regulations by department or job role, so that staffers know which guidelines pertain to them and their work responsibilities.

5. Localization

There are two common applications for localization training in cultural change strategies. The first is venturing into new markets, wherein employees need to know the cultural norms and core beliefs of their target demographic. The second is expanding your workforce. For instance, you could be hiring a local team and they need a “crash course” on brand values. At some point, the goal is to achieve both for your enterprise because it allows you to tap into a global talent pool and expand your customer base.

6. Adapting To New Work Roles

This topic is integral for mergers and cultural changes that involve individual job titles. As an example, you may be phasing out a department and certain employees must take on additional roles, or job responsibilities are shifting due to industry changes or corporate redundancies. Most employees are already uneasy about the cultural transformation because it causes instability. They may have had their old routine memorized and now everything is in flux. You can prepare them for the transition with clearly defined roles and boundaries. For instance, they may not want to have to do the job of two people or perform tasks out of their comfort zone. To combat this objection, you could make it clear that you are providing targeted training tools to help them master new tasks and adapt to change.

7. Associated Skills

No matter which type of culture you choose or how many people you employ, skills should be a top training priority, as they serve as the basis for all performance behaviors and work
practices. Which talents are associated with your new core values? Are there any pain points you should address right away to maintain your brand image? How will you continue to build
vital skills and retain top talent after the corporate transformation? The shift is much easier for employees to handle if they have self-confidence and skills-building resources to fill individual gaps.

8. Regulatory Compliance

This is a broad topic that includes industry regulations and company protocols. For this reason, compliance online training should be personalized for each role or employee group. First, focus on the fundamentals that staffers need to stay safe and mitigate risks on the job, then move on to new company-specific rules that pertain to your new corporate culture. For example, ease your employees into the new dress code or performance evaluation guidelines by scaffolding their know-how.


The topics you need to cover in your cultural transformation training course depend on your objectives and scope. For example, minor shifts may not require comprehensive courses. Instead, you can simply launch a supplemental support library or host live events to bring the team up to speed.

Then again, more complex transitions might call for certifications to address cultural change in the workplace so that employees understand their new roles. For this reason, it’s crucial to evaluate the scale of your transformation and how it impacts your remote employees before choosing your new LMS. Ideally, your chosen platform will allow you to create and manage content, deploying training, and measure the impact of your L&D programs all within a single suite of tools.

Many organizations overlook the emotional ramifications of change, such as how new team leaders or company protocols affect staffers’ stress levels and on-the-job productivity. Download Time For Change: How To Launch A Successful Cultural Transformation Training Strategy For Your Enterprise to ease employees into the transition and retain top performers.

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