The employee training landscape is in constant flux, and one of the most significant factors influencing these changes is the emergence of Gen Z or iGen. Born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, Gen Z has grown up in a world saturated with technology. Their unique characteristics and preferences transform how we approach learning and development (L&D).

Based on data from Verified Markets Reports, the Mobile Learning Market is anticipated to attain a market size of USD 445.6 Billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 42.5% from 2021 to 2028. In this digital age, where smartphones have become an extension of our hands and instant access to information is the norm, traditional training methods no longer suffice to engage and empower Gen Z. To remain relevant and effective, trainers and organizations must embrace a paradigm shift in L&D. They must harness the power of mobile learning, a dynamic approach that caters to Gen Z’s needs, preferences, and unparalleled potential.

The rising popularity of mobile learning models among Generation Z learners can be attributed to the ubiquitous utilization of mobile devices and the escalating need for adaptable and tailored learning experiences. Mobile learning, often referred to as mLearning, entails the utilization of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets for accessing training materials at one’s convenience from any location.

Mobile Learning for GenZ Training

Understanding Gen Z

To understand Generation Z’s learning expectations and attitudes, we must explore their experiences. This is not to judge them, but to appreciate the backdrop against which they see the world. This becomes particularly crucial as they embark on their careers and require our assistance and direction. Let’s delve deeper into our understanding of this generation.

  • It’s interesting that Gen Z has less traditional work experience than other age groups. On the flip side, they’re actually the ones most likely to have plenty of experience with online training.
  • Gen Z is tuned into the fact that they might be missing a few tricks when it comes to job skills. But here’s the cool part – they’re super stoked to roll up their sleeves and bridge that gap ASAP.
  • The digital-savvy Gen Zs have a knack for hunting down information online and expect speed when finding answers or solutions.
  • Gamification is comparatively more compelling as a marketing attribute for Gen Z than for their other generational cohorts.

Mobile Learning and Its Significance for Generation Z

Mobile learning has greatly changed the employee training landscape. Thanks to mobile apps, individuals can learn wherever and whenever they want, using any device they like. This has made independent training and development more flexible and convenient, bringing many positive changes. A collaborative mobile learning research study conducted by Brandon Hall Group in conjunction with SAP Litmos revealed that merely 31% of companies possess an established strategy for mobile learning.

Improved Accessibility

One of the big effects of mobile learning on training & development is that it makes learning easier for individuals. In traditional training, you must be in a classroom, which can be challenging if you live far away or have other things to do. However, thanks to mLearning, employee training becomes accessible from any location with an internet connection, expanding learning opportunities to a wider audience.

Learning Made Just for Gen Z

mLearning also makes training more personal. With special apps for learning, we can make learning experiences that aligns exactly with Gen Z’s preferences. They like learning on their own, so we can make that happen. This enhances their learning experience and maintains their engagement.

Fun Learning

Another thing mLearning does is make learning more fun. Learning leaders can use games, social learning, and innovative technology to make learning exciting. This facilitates the retention of acquired knowledge among individuals and sustains their enthusiasm for further training pursuits.

GenZ’s Behavioral Shifts: The Influence of Mobile Learning Apps

Mobile learning has truly reshaped how Generation Z approaches learning, especially considering how ingrained mobile devices have become in all of our lives. Growing up in an era where smartphones and tablets have been ever-present, Gen Z learners now have the power to access learning content anytime, anywhere, using any device. This shift in learning methods has led to some intriguing changes in employee behavior.

  • Autonomous or Self-Directed Learning: Consider having the autonomy to oversee your training progression. That’s exactly what mLearning has allowed Gen Z to do. Through training program apps on their mobile devices, anyone has the ability to steer their learning at their own pace, a far cry from the traditional classroom setup where often passive learners are expected to soaking information.
  • Tech Proficiency: Gen Z is nothing if not the largest group of f tech-savvy individuals the world has ever seen. They are at ease using their mobile gadgets to dive into training material, and this newfound comfort with technology extends beyond learning. They’ve become tech wizards, which can be super helpful as technology skills are increasingly important in today’s job market.
  • Collaborative Learning: The beauty of mLearning is that it’s not a solo endeavor. Gen Z learners can now collaborate seamlessly with peers on various projects, thanks to features in many mobile training apps. This sense of community and teamwork is akin to connecting with friends and family through our devices.
  • Flexible and Adaptable: Gen Z learners have become more adaptable. They can easily learn on the move, switching between tasks and activities. This adaptability is like a superpower in the workplace, where flexibility is often a key to success.


Mobile learning is significantly transforming the realm of training for Generation Z and subsequent generations. Its long-term impact is set to be profound as it evolves to meet future generations’ needs. Traditional classrooms will give way to blended, flexible, and personalized learning experiences. Instructors and organizations must stay agile, shifting from knowledge providers to mentors, focused on ensuring equitable access. The future of training is bright, driven by mobile learning’s transformative potential for digital-native learners.

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