Automation Made Easy: Your L&D Guide to Getting Things Done Automatically

Feeling overwhelmed by repetitive tasks in your L&D world? Wish you could free up your time for more strategic initiatives? Automation might be your next best friend! But if the terms “Zapier” and “trigger” sound like something from a sci-fi movie, don’t worry. This is your beginner’s guide to automation, specifically tailored for L&D professionals like you.

Imagine this: You set up a system to automatically send welcome emails to new trainees that include relevant learning materials and team introductions. Or, you set up a system that generates a personalized series of communications over time when someone registers for one of your offerings. Automation can take care of these tedious tasks and more, freeing you up to focus on creating engaging learning experiences and boosting employee performance.

So, how does it work? At its core, automation boils down to a simple command: “When this happens, do that.” Tools like Zapier help you set up these “if-then” scenarios, connecting different apps and services to streamline your workflows.

Think of it like building with blocks:

  • Triggers: These are the “when” parts, like a new employee joining the company or a training module being completed.
  • Actions: These are the “do” parts, like sending an email or adding data to a spreadsheet.
  • Zaps: These are the complete workflows you build by combining triggers and actions. (I like to think of them as ‘recipes’.)

For example, you could create a Zap that automatically adds newly enrolled trainees to an online learning platform or updates their LMS profiles with their skill levels. The possibilities are endless!

Here are some tasks you can automate to save time and effort:

  • Onboarding paperwork and welcome messages
  • Course enrollment and certificate distribution
  • Performance data analysis and skill gap reports
  • Reminder emails for upcoming deadlines and assessments
  • Feedback collection and analysis

Remember, automation is not about replacing human interaction in L&D. It’s about freeing up your time to focus on the human touch – providing personalized coaching, designing engaging learning experiences, and fostering a supportive learning environment. So, ditch the repetitive tasks and embrace the power of automation!

Ready to explore further? Check back next week for part two of this series where I’ll walk you through building your first Zap and discover even more ways to automate your L&D operations. Get ready to say goodbye to tedious tasks and hello to increased efficiency and a more impactful L&D experience!

PS – If you’ve done anything like this, please leave a comment. I’d love to hear what you’ve been able to automate and how it has helped you.

Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

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