Thursday, February 3, 2022

8 Surprising Ways to Use Microlearning Activities in Your Online Training Courses | ecadema

 Microlearning Activities in Online Professional Training

Employees assimilate information in small chunks more effectively, ultimately reducing the cognitive overload. Also, it allows employees to focus on personal pursuits, such as bridging individual skill gaps. 

Microlearning can be applied anywhere and supports performance.

ecadema is an interactive learning platform that caters to live learning through video one-to-one sessions, offers certified trainer programs to excel in your career and we help you to make you future-ready trainers.

We have listed the ways through which microlearning activities in your online training course can be used.

1. Qualitative Self-Assessments

Qualitative assessments are an integral part of an online assessment, also simulations, branching scenarios, and other interactive online training tools offer employees to test their skills and task autonomously. Thereby, they can easily find out the gaps and seek out timely interventions that can improve their understanding of the topic through online courses. Microlearning is a convenient method to allow quick evaluations. Employees get motivated through self-assessments that gauge their progress. Additionally, microlearning online training libraries enhance and improve performance based on their qualitative assessment results.

2. Task Performance Evaluations

Employees can invite other coworkers to take microlearning simulations based on work-related tasks. Immediate feedback can be provided highlighting the scope for improvement, as well as emphasizing personal strengths. Virtual job evaluation can be done in the place of traditional on-the-job evaluations where managers used to observe and evaluate the employee’s performance. Then, he can guide the right direction based on their performance data. Microlearning online training modules also present infographics to improve their proficiency.

If you like this blog, please also read our latest blog on The Top 5 Ways to Improve Corporate Learning Initiatives 2022. Let’s continue with our blog.

3. Skill-Boosting Serious Games

Bite-sized simulation games enhance the motivation and engagement of employees and are quick to consume. Focus on a specific skill, create a storyline for a game that centers on related talents or abilities that help employees bridge skill gaps. 

4. Infographics for Company Policies

Infographics are also considered as microlearning online training tools, as topics can be easily represented through a comprehensive overview so it is easy for employees to understand. Companies can create infographics of policies that highlight various compliance uses, organizational protocols, and processes. For example, infographics with blending images and statistical facts can help to improve knowledge retention. Employees can use the graphic to refresh their memory before taking up any exam. These microlearning online training tools provide a short overview and are ideal for onboarding, as well. 

5. Timed Decision-Making 

Develop time-bound tasks that test employees' decision-making ability to handle work-related pressure. Employees must make the best decision within the given time based on the task assigned and the information given, under much pressure. The goal is to gauge employees’ reactions when the time is running out and to check their decision-making abilities in adverse scenarios.

6. Bite-Size Certification Courses

Bite-size online certification courses sharpen your specific skill, enhancing your ability to perform a task. Employees should understand each and every topic and briefly brush over it during the scheduled online training session. Also, it makes them feel accomplished after getting proficient in the particular course.

Also, annual certifications renewal or subscription can help employees to reinforce their knowledge. They automatically receive a notification from an online learning platform, when the certificate is due to expire. This way, they can easily enroll for the next microlearning activity through online certification courses.

7. Social Media Team Building Tips

Social media tips can be used to improve team management and peer-to-peer collaboration. It may include streamlining work processes and communicating more effectively in group settings, videos, articles, and guides they may find beneficial. Also, employees can post their unique ideas and strategies with co-workers to help them to navigate daily challenges and improve their understanding. Thereby, different social media groups for different departments or online training courses to make it even more convenient. As a result, employees can easily access any information from the group instead of searching the page for tips pertaining to their concerns.

8. Micro Webinars

Short webinars can be your part of an online training program and can be customized to focus on sub-topic in online training. In fact, webinars are the most effective online training tools which can be hosted for 10 to 15 minutes following up with supplemental online training activities. Webinars can be coupled with social media discussion where employees can explore the topic in greater detail and allow them to exchange a pile of information. 


9. Featuring Subject-Matter Experts through an Invitation for Guest Host Podcasts 

You may already have Subject Matter Experts within your organization, invite them to host their own podcasts to share their expertise such as department heads that are well-versed on compliance topics. They can offer valuable work-related tips, or even share a personal anecdote to impart their share of experiences or life lessons. 


Microlearning online training activities are convenient tools to improve knowledge so employees have the opportunity to build their skills and experience with only a simple click. This allows them to focus on personal areas for improvement, boosting their workplace performance and enhancing proficiency. As a result, your top talent stays with the team and continually expands their professional knowledge base.

Enrolling in ecadema’s certified trainer program, helps you to develop a clear understanding of the topic or task in question instead of merely receiving information through micro-learning simulation As you can see, microlearning may be overlooked, but this tool is usually intended for reinforcement and refreshers. ecadema is a comprehensive online training platform that builds a solid foundation of professional expertise employing microlearning online training activities to create a more holistic online training path.

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