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What Is Compliance Training? Less Than 100 Words

Compliance training is employee training mandated by legislation, regulation, or policy. This type of training educates your employees on the laws or regulations applicable to their job function or industry. 

These training programs are usually mandatory with regular completion of the training required to achieve and maintain compliance.

Making sure employees are fully compliant with company operations and legalities is imperative for the following reasons: 

  • Defines and prioritizes new policy changes
  • Ensures employees are up-to-date with your organization’s regulations and procedures
  • Maintains the safety and health of your employees
  • Reduces violations and legal penalties

Ready to learn more about compliance training? Let’s dive into what compliance training is and how eLearning can enhance an otherwise monotonous program. 

What Is Compliance Training?

Compliance training is employee training mandated by legislation, regulation, or policy. It educates your employees on the laws or regulations applicable to their job function or industry. 

These training programs are usually mandatory with regular completion of the training required to achieve and maintain compliance.

Making sure employees are fully compliant with company operations and legalities is imperative for the following reasons: 

  • Defines and prioritizes new policy changes
  • Ensures employees are up-to-date with your organization’s regulations and procedures
  • Maintains the safety and health of your employees
  • Reduces violations and legal penalties

Read More: 3 Ways to Integrate Extended Reality into Your Training Program

Elevate Your Compliance Training With eLearning

Mandatory compliance training traditionally takes the form of clicking through a dull, noninteractive eLearning program in which the core messages are lost on learners who simply wish to complete the program. This is a problem, considering that adhering to industry laws and regulations is mandatory to the success of many organizations. 

At Roundtable, we work with you to develop an engaging compliance training that drives completion rates and facilitates high levels of knowledge retention. Through a trusted partnership, we collaborate with your team to create fresh training that reduces violations while stressing the importance of compliance as part of your company culture. 

Together, we will set the precedent for compliance at all levels of your organization through a well-run, measurable, and continuously updated compliance program. To combat dry compliance training content, we’ve discovered plenty of ways to modernize your training through interactive eLearning so learners are more compelled to complete the program. 

Read More: What Is eLearning? Everything You Need To Know

eLearning For Employment Law

For example, Roundtable partnered with a manufacturing company to produce compliance training through an eLearning course. This course instructed learners on the following employment law topics:

  • Respect in the workplace
  • Harassment and discriminatory behaviors
  • Disparate impact and treatment

This course clearly maps out inappropriate workplace behaviors that will not be tolerated under employment law. In doing so, learners understand how to prevent, correct, and report illegal harassment and discrimination at their workplace. Learners also know that their organization takes this topic seriously, making them feel more respected and secure while on the job. 

eLearning For Phishing Scams

Another example of eLearning for compliance training is a program that instructs senior leaders on how to detect and report phishing scams. This program walks learners through the following topics:

  • How to detect, report, and delete spear-phishing emails
  • How organizations are targeted by scammers
  • How to identify legitimate vs. illegitimate emails and websites

By completing this program, senior leaders can feel confident in their ability to identify and avoid phishing scams. This helps their business stay secure and safe, which avoids potential losses in revenue and information. 
Want to explore more successful programs we’ve developed through trusted partnerships? Check out more of our work!

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