Today’s disruptive marketplace and Covid19 have significantly impacted the way today’s business leaders look at L&D. Employee development has quickly become a top priority for modern organizations. There is now a huge demand for employee reskilling and a growing need for training programs that can be delivered and updated quickly. It is also common for organizations to have fluctuating learning needs. They may need several training programs for different departments or have complex content development needs.

Outsourcing your organization’s learning and development needs with a managed learning services provider is one way your business can improve and streamline the L&D process. If you are considering working with a managed training provider, there are some steps you can take to set your business up for success. In this blog post, we will share what you need to know to get the best results from your new partnership.

Understanding the Role of Managed Training Services Partner

The first step to a great partnership is understanding the role of a managed learning services provider. What is the difference between a managed services provider and other learning vendors? Most learning vendors specialize in a few specialized areas.

For example, some vendors specialize in content development, while others may offer learning staffing. While outsourcing training has numerous advantages managing multiple vendor partnerships can be both time-consuming and expensive. If multiple training providers are working on a single project, there is also a risk that different project components may be misaligned.

A managed learning partner provides end-to-end training services. These companies have a large wealth of training industry experts, experience, and tools that they can use to assist your company with all its L&D initiatives.

Common services managed learning providers offer include the following.

  • Learning strategy
  • Learning administration
  • Instructor facilitation
  • Vendor management 
  • Analytics and measurement

Selecting the Right Outsourced Training Provider

There are many factors to consider before choosing an outsourced provider. You must first consider your organization’s specific needs as well as potential L&D needs in the future. Each business is unique and may need to look for a training partner with specific experiences or skill sets.

For example, your company may be looking to improve your training delivery process for your remote employees. Or maybe you are looking to develop a new post Covid19 learning strategy. In these cases, selecting a partner who has the right industry knowledge and experience will be critical to a successful partnership.

Some of the other top factors you will want to consider before selecting a partner include the following.

  • Cost
  • Resources
  • Experience
  • Methodology
  • Reviews or case studies

Approaching Learning as a Journey

Another one of the best ways you can set your business up for success is by working with a partner who understands the importance of approaching learning as a journey. The most successful L&D programs are not off being or singular training events.

Each learning and development project should have a blend of working parts that support learners on their journey. Learning best takes place over time. Singular training events or programs often reduce knowledge retention and engagement, while programs that foster continuous learning tend to produce the best results.

Aligning Learning Programs with Your Business Needs

The most successful learning programs are strategically aligned to support an organization’s larger goals and are set up to achieve specific business outcomes. Without proper alignment, participants may successfully complete training, but their progress will have little to no impact on the business.

An experienced managed learning services partner should also have a strategic process or method in place to ensure the proper alignment of your learning programs and business goals. Each program should have a predetermined outcome that supports your organization’s core business goals.

Final Note

Outsourcing with a managed learning services provider can help your organization improve and streamline the L&D process. Many organizations today are choosing to outsource with a managed partner because it allows them to consolidate the number of vendors, they need to complete projects and enabling them to deliver impactful training to their workforce.

Learn more and read the eBook Managed Learning Outlook 2021.

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